Thanks Len and Christopher for your informative replies. :)
I'm either looking at getting a hold of a 500Mhz, whcih doesn't sound
like much improvement, or buying one of these third party processors
as you mentioned. I didn't pass the test for the dual proccesor
I scored a Uni-N revison 3. :(

i just have one question, where is the Swap List?

On Aug 20, 2:14 pm, Len Gerstel <> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 4:34 PM, d p wrote:
> > Alrigt. So I got a 450 AGP G4,
> > what proccessor can I "drop in" without any modifications?
> The only straight drop ins from Apple that will increase your speed  
> are a single 500 from a Sawtooth or duals from the Gig ethernet  
> series. In order to use them the duals, you need to have a Uni-N  
> revision of 7 or higher. Here is a link to a download to test.
> As to non Apple drop ins, most G4 accelerators will work. Most are  
> either autosensing or have dip switches to work with the motherboard  
> speed. The pins are the same from Sawtooth through Quicksilver, and  
> most manufacturers built their upgrades to fit all of those.
> You can probably pick up a 900-1Ghz processor on the swap list for  
> around $100.
> Len

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