Ok, before I begin, here's the specs.

Dual 1.25 MDD 2gb ram, 200gb, leopard 10.5.8

Last night I pulled the power supply and cleaned it like I've done a  
couple times before and reinstalled it. Only this time, the main fan,  
which I figured I'd clean too while I was at it, accidentally got put  
in backwards (yes, I did that..) well, obviously it didn't take but  
about 4 minutes to overheat and smell like burnt plastic and shut down  
(sleep mode).. then I forced a shut down and opened the machine to  
find the fan in wrong. Well, here's where it gets interesting... I  
flipped the fan around, and powered it up, starts off fine, normal fan  
noise (rpm) then as I watch, istat is telling me a slow increase...  
it's climbing, climbing... past 150f... fan kicks up another notch ..  
160f sounds like the fan is full throttle at this point... this is  
with very little or no load on the CPU (itunes, mail) then I power  
down, and figured I'd put a fresh application of thermal grease on the  
processors..... still the same problem/result?  how do I get this back  
down to 130f-140f where it was? what possible damage could I have done  
to this poor MDD? your turn... thanks in advance. Jeff

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