----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: No L3 Cache showing on QS
Date:    Donnerstag 07 Januar 2010N
From:    Hal Meeks <jedi....@earthlink.net>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

>    I have two Quicksilvers here (one for me and the other for my
> son).  Upon swapping CPUs (Dual 800 and single 933) I noticed that my
> son's QS will not recognize the L3 cache of either CPU.  Both the
> Dual 800 and single 933 have the 2MB L3 cache per CPU.  Is this a
> motherboard issue?  Thanks!

I have to check, but if my memory is correct, the QS 2001 has L3 cache whereas 
the QS 2002 (and that would be the single 933) doesn't use L3 cache. Therefor 
the system board may be different in a way.

You'll have to verify this information first. Maybe I'm totally wrong...

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250
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