John Carmonne wrote:
On Feb 19, 2010, at 6:10 AM, Ted Treen wrote:

John Carmonne wrote:
On Feb 19, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Trickster wrote:

Hey guys,
Everyone was a big help on my last post about moving a hard drive,
thank you much for everything. Wanted to get peoples opinions on
running 10.5 on a G5 1.8, 7 gigs of ram 160 gig HD.  Opinion on the
net seems to be mixed, with some saying is great, others saying is
bad, some saying it gets better as the OS is updated. Does anyone have
any personal experience with this?

Thanks again

AFAIK all is OK for 10.5.8 on the PM G5 but I've never been able to rip a DVD 
on any PPC with Leopard 10.5.8. So for my goto I choose Tiger on PPCs.

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA

The problem almost certainly is not specific to the PPC&  10.5.8 - it's far 
more likely that your versions of ripping S/W and/or Toast are not supported under 

IIRC, there were several S/W packages which became less-than-useful after the 
release of 10.5.


Negetory, all my rippers MTR, MDRP, and Ripit   work on Intel 10.5.8, 10.6.2  
and PPC 10.4.11, the only combo that doesn't work is PPC 10.5.8, Anyone that 
can do it please tell me how. I've been at this for a long time:-)

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA

I'm using MTR 3.0 R14F (and MTR 2.6.6 occasionally) on my Dual 2.0G5, 10.5.8, and it just works. Toast 8 crashes sometimes in Leopard, but Toast 9 seems fine.

I'm not doing anything special - they just seem to work.

Some time ago, the Mac seemed slow, or buggy, so I used Applejack in deep clean mode. and things seemed better after that. Although I accept that YMMV.


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