On 2/26/10 8:09 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

"mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid
crashing defective DNS relay"

Bonjour has been turned off.

Only a part of Bonjour. Originally Bonjour (Rendezvous) only located machines on the IP subnet it was on. But at some point the ability to scan selected subnets elsewhere was added. This message sounds like the latter. I suspect because the router doesn't support it or doesn't support it correctly.

The system.log reads as follows:
Feb 25 23:17:34 Herbert-Goodfriends-Power-Mac-G5 kernel[0]:
AppleBCM5701Ethernet - en0 link active, 100-Mbit, full duplex, flow
control disabled

Your ethernet port has talked to the router. Flow Control disabled may
be a clue here, we might be having a problem with handshaking between
the router and the Mac.

Feb 25 23:17:54 Herbert-Goodfriends-Power-Mac-G5 kernel[0]:
AppleBCM5701Ethernet: 0 4 setupCopperPhy - link is down

NOw the link is disconnected, a good indicator of the above.

Both the Bonjour and flow control messages may simply be an indication that the link went down for whatever cause.

What's happening, I think, is that your router and your Mac aren't
properly establishing connections.

Which is odd as this part of networking has gotten pretty stable.

Unfortunately, the standard method of diagnosing these issues is to plug
either a known-good computer into the router or the computer into a
known-good router, and seeing which combination works or not.

Try plugging the computer into each LAN port of the router, checking the log if needed. It's possible just the one port is caca.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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