On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:04 PM, Michael Emery wrote:
I brought home a Quicksilver from work for use on my wife's desk. It
won't sleep, despite setting it to do so. When I select *sleep* from
the Apple Menu, it pretends to sleep for a beat, then wakes up, eyes
wide open and hard drive spinning, not to mention that famous
Quicksilver fan noise.
I believe this machine burns 345 watts or so. Outside of shutting
down after use, what's a mother to do?
Michael Emery
Check what PCI cards are installed. Maybe one of them doesn't support
Any peripherals attached? Maybe one is drawing power off a USB bus, or
something of that nature, and won't let it stay in Sleep.
See what is running in the background ... something like that might
keep it from sleeping. Something trying to access the internet.
Leave the KB and Mouse alone, after Sleep. That will wake it up (but
you probably already knew that).
Maybe others can help ...
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