On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:58 PM, Cliff Rediger wrote:

Plays the "if you copy you'll be punished warning" then nothing
no menu

Some DVDs, particularly those which are released through Sony/ Columbia/TriStar, but occasionally through others, but almost never through Warners (they are the good guys, in this specific respect) have badly authored menus.

One way of getting around these flawed DVDs is to use the SKIP key to bypass the offending chapter.

Usually, those chapters last 13 or so seconds, and if you initiate the SKIP well before the drive gets hung, you will automatically go onto the next chapter, which is often the main menu.

An alternative is to "rip" the DVD and then selectively burn individual DVDs which have one chapter, namely the functional chapter which could have been selected if you could get past the badly authored chapter.

After "ripping", TOAST will often let you burn a selected set of chapters, usually one for each of the main programs which are on the DVD, and one for each of the supplementary chapters, such as the infamous "FBI Warning".

You can experiment by turning off all the supplementary chapters, but turn on just the main chapters, which could be only one, but might be four for a dual-layer DVD which has four one-hour episodes. For PBS shows, an episode is usually 55 minutes long, but some PBS versions of English TV programs can be as little as 45 minutes for a so-called one-hour episode.

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