----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Mac 5400 computer & two 16" Color Monitors
Date:    Mittwoch 22 September 2010N
From:    "Wm. Arnold" <w_arn...@att.net>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> These Items are nonfunctional & disassembled.
> I believe the 5400 has a bad HD.
> I believe all have good CRTs.
> $30 for all.
> Units must be picked up at
> Bay Village, Ohio (West of Cleveland).
> They will be junked on Oct 6th.

Do you mean the Power Macintosh 5400? It has a PowerPC 603e processor. So it 
is technically a G2.

Since this is the G3-5-List, you're posting in the wrong group.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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