Hey Brian, I agree with you on that it is cool but: why is it we can't still run our old machines too without more trouble whenever they come out with faster and better stuff??? I don't care if it's slower I just want to do what I always did... They force us to buy the newer stuff by making our older stuff run worse... I have a friend with an old TiBook running Panther who can't use it anymore and he can not afford to upgrade it to Tiger and get few more yrs out of it... He lives in South America and I've been looking for a Tiger disc and more memory for him cheap enough for me to afford and mail it to him so we can still stay in touch by emails and Scipe (mailing him letters would prob take a week from the USA) and by then the news up here to him is too late... Not only are some of us retired and living on fixed incomes some of us had to file for bankruptcy and are not making anything at all... In his case he lost his home and business and had to move back with his relatives down there...  Us poor people always have to suffer and get creative just to keep up... Today you need a computer to get a job because they are now online... They don't even hire you now because they do a credit check too ("hey I'm here for a job not a loan") I got into this credit problem because of loosing my job in the first place... WTF is this all about???

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Christmas
Sent: Oct 21, 2010 5:40 AM
To: g3-5-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: IS the world about to change ?

On 21/10/2010, at 7:51 PM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Fluxstringer <fluxstrin...@gmail.com> wrote:
Lion ?

It looks like my one word post and simple title question have hit some nerves.

Money talks and BS does not want to pay to play ( or cannot afford to ) I would step up and buy the stuff if I could afford it Steve. But you who introduced home computers at an affordable price have lost sight of those of us with modest or even less than modest means.

And your media hype rant against Android still seems way out of character for a phone hacker who now evidently does not think consumers should buy phones they can hack themselves to their own need. Are we going back to the " you can have it in any color as long as it is what we want to sell " days? ( more on that in the LEMlist group)

But yes the world needs great computers like the Mac still. But wringing the pockets of users ?  How long can that be sustained in a bad economy ? Boutique brand for elitists. Or affordable tools for everyone. What will it be Steve ?

Perhaps some control is needed to make everything work correctly. But it is looking like Apple profit is the motive rather than quality for the user when every aspect of the market has to be micromanaged.

And how long will the new stuff be good for. I'm still saving for the G5 I could not afford 5 years ago. And those with G5s are crying because their machines are sitting on shelves next to 7200s albeit with much more hopeful price tags.

Can the low end consumer ( who needs a reliable machine that is not maddening more than anyone ) ever get a break from Apple ? 'That $ 500 mid tower anywhere near release date ?

I think it's time to ditch the G machines and support Steve by buying iPads. It's the closest thing many here will ever get or afford  of the current Apple experience.
I sm going to hurry to do this because in six months the new OS for that will come out. And a year from then the version after that won't run on the my year old iPad.

That planned obsolescence idea is really ramping up faster these days. It must be good for business.

G'day Adrian

Unfortunately obsolescence is a fact of life in the electronics industry, even tho it's not planned.

It's basically bought about by the inquiring minds of talented people that love to invent new things; in our case, it's advances in processors, memory, communication (in it's many varied forms), programming, storage, and perhaps information control (if we let it). With these advances, the older hardware just can't cut the mustard, and the gaps seem to be constantly shrinking.

My heart bleeds for those of us who can't, for one reason or another, keep up with the immediate advances, but I constantly remind myself that I'm glad the world of computers did not freeze up with the advent of my old Apple IIe. I'm lucky enough that I own an intel 24" iMac, but I'm ashamed to say I lustfully look at the new i7 27" iMacs, mainly cause some graphics I'm trying to write for an iPad app are too slow rendering on my core 2 duo. I'm lucky; I earn a small amount programming for Macs, that as a retiree keeps my family in iMacs. If I had to justify my requirements to my other halfs requirements only, I'd still own my old 1.8 G5, running 10.3, and my kids would own Windblown PC's (shudder). Pity the PC users still stuck with XP, or the graphics heavy version of it, Windows 7.

As for the cost, I paid less, in actual Aussie dollars, far less in real terms, for my iMac than I did for a IIc with an extra floppy drive, and a 256 MB hard drive.

Despite all this, I still love  to see the strides being made; it proves to me that human ingenuity is alive and well, and I await with bated breath the next  advances in all fields of endeavour that will take humanity to wherever the road takes us.



And what, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this......
Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged with numberless trillions of forms
So that it might

Sri Aurobindo

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