At 17:38 +0000 10/22/10, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote, or perhaps quoted 
I think Apple is simply responding to customer desires, good or bad.

*** From a recent question posted on the AppleScript mailing list - which I 
trimmed quite a bit.

I've written a pretty extensive Quicktime editing script.. Everything works 
when I run the app just fine, I can select one or several source movies with my 
choose file with prompt.., etc, the script just chunks along happily.

I can't drop files onto the app. Dragging a QT movie does't activate the app in 
the finder, it doesn't select, nothing.

*** An answer from a knowledgeable regular poster:

Try saving the script in a new app file, and make sure you don't remove the 
.app extension.

And that's in a current Apple OS X system that is still declared "UNIX 
underneath". It comes from Next, Inc. which was likely unable to use 
Apple-patented ideas before Apple bought it.

UNIX does not now, and never has, used filename extensions in the OS. They are 
sometimes used by applications, such as gcc, but never required. Executable 
files are distinguished by an x in the permissions.

Apple was once proud of its freedom from required filename extensions. The 
really good idea was a file system that handled resource forks and type/creator 
codes. That AppleScript application should have type APPL and a unique creator 
code maintained in the file system. The codes would be initially in a BNDL 
resource for use by an installer or first use.

How in the world can we have regressed so far? Applications are not recognized 
by Finder so they can have files dropped on them unless they have a .app 
extension in the name of the file? How DOS can you get?  Can DOS-like be 
responding to customer desires? That is a "bad" customer desire, dammit.

The OS NeXt finder has to be told to show filename extensions which are hidden 
by default. Is that consistent with requiring extensions? In 10.3 .app 
extensions are not shown even if you ask for them.

But then, my AAPL is doing fine, thank you.

-->  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  <--

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