The MDD should show both optical drives (mine does); the first and
easiest thing I would try is to blow out both drives with a can of
compressed gas. Sometimes a little dust gets in and interferes with
the laser just enough to mess with you.

On Feb 3, 5:48 am, Deiniol ap Deiniol
<> wrote:
> Hi Group:
> When I got my dual 1.2GHz MDD a few months ago, I found it had two
> optical drives fitted, although only the upper one was functional.
> Clicking the 'open drive' icon  showed one drive: the button always
> opened the top one and sometimes the lower one would open too.  As I
> had it out of service today to install my newly acquired SCSI card
> (and that's another story - showed up in Profiler but no OSX drivers
> available), I decided to replace the non-functioning drive.
> I removed the drive cage, and then I noticed that both drives were
> jumpered as 'Master'.
> "Ahah!" I thought....that's why drive 1 isn't working, so I jumpered
> it as slave and restarted the machine.
> And suddenly I had two DVD drives showing when I clicked on the "open
> Drive" button.and reacting individually....."Great" I thought, but
> drive 1 still wouldn't recognise any optical media I put in it.
>  So pretty  obviously borked....possibly a non-operative laser...the
> drive is a Sony combo drive dated October 2003 so quite likely to have
> expired.
> Having an old DVD ROM that came out of my dead Sawtooth, I decided to
> try that.
> Jumpered as 'Slave' I fitted it and tried a reboot.
> No joy, and I no longer had two drives showing in the drive open
> button.
> But I did have another DVD ROM that I had bought BNIB from a thrift
> shop some months ago.
> That went in, showed up in System Profiler as a Lite-on DVD SHD -
> 16P1S rev. GS07, but again was not showing on the button, and I could
> only open it by pressing the 'open' button on the front of the drive.
> But when I put a DVD in I got the 'Assign Region Code" screen, so that
> was set to R1, because I have quite a few of those, and since the
> machine has the 128MB GeForce Ti Graphics card (what a monster:
> straddles the PRAM battery and runs the length of the machine!)
> driving a 21" Mac CRT monitor, it's excellent for media (and I have a
> choice of MacPro speakers or LaCie Firewire speakers so it sounds OK
> too!).
> It plays perfectly, and will open by ejecting the disc from the
> Desktop.
>  I watched my just-bought "In the heat of the night" (twice: second
> time with commentary - that's why I like R1 discs!): I then ripped it
> with Mac the Ripper, and that file plays absolutely perfectly with
> VLC.
> This new drive doesn't show in Disk utility either, but the other
> drive (TSST corp CD/DVDW TS-H552U rev. US06) does and (almost) always
> has worked fine.
>   I don't know if it's relevant, but I got an unopened copy of iLife
> 08 last week, and the DVD of that would NOT mount on this machine
> (tried 3 or 4 times, including after a reboot - sounded like it was
> spinning up then down again:  the iWork trial CD; also brand new,
> opened fine, as did two different movie DVD's) although this iLife
> DVD            worked perfectly on my G4 iMac
> So any thoughts as to what may be going on here?  I tried resetting
> PRAM on the off chance....I know clutching at a straw!...obviously no
> difference, and also tried a safe boot in case it was a cache issue:
> again zilch!
> Running 10.5.8 with 2GB memory, and two 160 GB hard drives, one
> original one new..
> I did try drive 0 as slave and 1 as master - no change, also both as
> cable select - no difference.
> Is it perhaps  a firmware issue, either with the G4 or the non-Apple
> drives perhaps?
> Hoping someone here has a solution to this little mystery.
> Dan

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