----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Installer for patched KeyLargoATA.kext for limited large drive 
support in pre-QS2002 G4 Power Macs
Date:    Monday, 18. April 2011
From:    turn <turn...@gmail.com>
To:      "G-Group" <g3-5-list@googlegroups.com>
> Question: I've got a QS2002 800Mhz machine with a bad IDE controller.
> I put in a VTS Ultra/Tek 66 and now I am able to boot and the machine
> doesn't erratically hang up any longer.  Do you think your kext will
> work with the Ultra/TEK 66 to get large hdd support?
> ref: I think it's
> Vendor ID: Ox105A=4186
> DeviceID: 0x4D38=19768
> Revision ID=1
> PDC 20262 and Cardvendor ID is 105A
> ref:
> http://eshop.macsales.com/Reviews/Framework.cfm?page=/Hard_Drives/vstultrat
> ek/VSTUltra.html http://www.barefeats.com/hard8.html

Sorry, I wasn't able to find which IDE chip is used on the VST UltraTek ATA/66 
card or which driver it uses.

"My" driver is merely a very simple patch for the original Apple KeyLargoATA 
driver, which controls the KeyLargo IDE chip used in Power Macs from the G4 
AGP to the G4 MDD.
Thus, it only works for KeyLargo chips.

The big driver support is not real. It is limited in such way, that your first 
partition(s), containing the OS, must be exactly 128 GB large. The, what I 
call: "limited big drive support" simply enables you create another partition 
that starts behind the first 128 GB and that is usable once Mac OS X has 
started. It is for your data only.

Native big drive support starts with the QS2002.

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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