I've been using an older version of g4u for the last two years, quite happy
with it.. But since our supplier had to make changes to the hardware
platform we use we've has to retest eveything, including imaging. The old
version just couldn't see the NICs, so I downloaded the 2.3 ISO and gave
that a try.

 - The 2 onboards NICs are seen, I get wm0 and wm1
 - They can be probed correctly - hardware info, negotiated port speed and
link status show up correctly

The problem is, nothing seems to be able to get OUT of the NICs (yes, cables
are switch ports were tested.). So no DHCP coming back, can't reach the FTP

Info from dmesg:

pci 4 dev 0 function 0: Intel i82573E IAMT, rev 3
PCI-Express Bus
256 word (8 address bits) SPI EEPROM
makphys ... Marvell 88E1111 Gigabit PHY rev 2

and for the second one

pci 5 dev 0 function 0: Intel i82573L Gigabit Ethernet rev 0
(rest is the same)

I'm used to Linux variants, but much less to BSD flavors. If I'm reading
this correctly, it sees the Intel hardware (at least querying the equipement
to get those strings) but loads a Marvell driver ?

I'm guessing the chipset much be recent and would need a recent version of
the e1000/pro intel drivers..

Anybody else with those NICs (in my case it's from a supermicro 5015M-MR+
box) ? How would someone go about adding drivers to g4u ?

Thanks for any pointers

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