On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Nathaniel Pitcher wrote:
> Is there a more recent version of the instructions?

Ok, let's try, see instructions below. I'm asking you to report back on me 
any success or failure. In case of failure, there's a logfile called 
"log.i386" (or so) in /usr/src, please make that file accessible to me if 
things fail (attached in private mail is fine, no need to send to the 
list; an URL is most welcome!).

Now, to rebuild the images:

     * Note that for rebuilding, no root permissions are needed any more!
        Below, the "#" prompt shows action needed as root, "%" is the prompt for
        commands executed as user.

     * Get a i386/PC machine running NetBSD 5.0. Cross-building from other
        Unix-like operating systems may work too, right now it is
        confirmed working for Mac OS X 10.5. Reports of others welcome.

     * Get NetBSD-current source from ~Aug 30th 2009 as /usr/src:

            % su
            # mkdir /usr/cvs
            # chown $USER /usr/cvs
            # ln -s cvs/src /usr/src
            # exit
            % cd /usr/cvs
            % env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anon...@anoncvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot co -D 
20090830 src

     * Get the g4u 2.4alpha4 sources
        % cd /usr/src
        % ftp http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/g4u-2.4alpha4.tgz

     * Unpack the g4u sources:

            % tar plzvxf g4u-2.4alpha4.tgz

     * Apply patches:

            % cd /usr/src/sys/dev/ata
            % patch <wd.c.patch-g4u
            % cd /usr/src/sys/dev/scsipi
            % patch <sd.c.patch-g4u
            % cd /usr/src/sys/kern
            % patch <subr_prf.c.patch-g4u

     * Tweak build settings:

           % su -
           # touch /etc/mk.conf
           # chown $USER /etc/mk.conf
           # exit
           % echo OBJMACHINE=1 >>/etc/mk.conf

     * Build g4u, which requires a full build of NetBSD userland and a

            % cd /usr/src
            % sh g4u-build

       Depending on your machine, this will take some time!

     * After that, you'll find "g4u1.fs", "g4u1.fs" and "g4u.iso" in

I'm looking forward for your report. Good luck!

  - Hubert

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