Hi Mika,

Am 11.02.2010 um 15:24 schrieb <mika.kilpelai...@holmenpaper.com>:

> Any ideas what to do?

hmm.. the network card driver may not be included in G4U.

Could you try and boot a NetBSD live (like Jibbed) and see if the card is 
recognized there? If yes, one should be able to build a G4U with the driver 
included, the dmesg would be helpful.

Best regards,


<>                                                              <>
<> Dr. Torsten Harenberg     harenb...@physik.uni-wuppertal.de  <>
<> Bergische Universitaet                                       <>
<> FB C - Physik             Tel.: +49 (0)202 439-3521          <>
<> Gaussstr. 20              Fax : +49 (0)202 439-2811          <>
<> 42097 Wuppertal                                              <>
<>                                                              <>
<><><><><><><>< Of course it runs NetBSD http://www.netbsd.org ><> 

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