Am 21.12.2008 um 14:16 schrieb Yann Leboulanger:

Where is it said that "[I] always insisted that only [you] got the bug
and the bug reports [you] received were bogus."
I never said you didn't got any complaints, just that *I* never got. And I never talked about the bugreports you got ... But maybe I don't speak
english weel enough for you to understand.

Sorry, then I got it wrong. Sounded to me like you think that this issue exists only for me, although I forwarded a bug report from OpenBSD etc.

25c3? what's that?

I don't need a URL, I asked you for a date.

Ah, so you want to know when it is and not what :).
27.12. - 30.12.

Ok I'll release 0.12.1 with filetransfer fix and 0.12.2 as soon as your
tests will be conclusive. Release more often if a good thing.

Well, you definitely take a point with release often. But let's call it, ok? And announce that a fix for the disconnections is being investigated.


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