Hi again,

After a bit more research I guess I can see why -- since as you show in the
instructions you also intend to serve static content via the proxy server
and this requires using mod_rewrite anyway that you chose to do the reverse
proxy part also using mod_rewrite.  Sorry for being confused, I have seen
before configurations with mod_proxy and mod_rewrite directives together
doing the same thing I was wondering why! :)


On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Leandro Hermida <soft...@leandrohermida.com
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry if this question has been asked before searched and couldn't find
> anyone specifically talking about this.  In the Galaxy wiki under
> https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/Config/ApacheProxy there
> are instructions for setting up Galaxy behind a web server proxy.  I
> wondered what are the reasons/advantages of doing a reverse proxy using all
> mod_rewrite directives (as shown in the instructions) vs doing a standard
> Apache front-end reverse proxy:
> ProxyRequests Off
> ProxyPass / http://galaxy.host.domain:8080/
> ProxyPassReverse / http://galaxy.host.domain:8080/
> The instructions using mod_rewrite are making a reverse proxy too since the
> RewriteRule directive has the [P] flag.
> regards,
> Leandro
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