2011/5/23 Louise-Amélie Schmitt <louise-amelie.schm...@embl.de>:
> @ Peter: I'm not sure I can get more precise... the checked attribute has no
> effect whatsoever, the boxes are always unchecked when I open the tool. I
> tried the "yes" and the "true" values to no avail.
> @ Leandro: Yes I already saw that ...
> But that's actually not the issue here. I just want my checkboxes to be
> checked by default, and it appears not to work.
> To give an example, here is one of the lines of my tool XML file:
> <param name="SQA" type="boolean" label="Run SolexaQA" checked="true" />
> This checkbox remains unchecked at tool opening.
> As far as I know, some people managed to get it working and I'd like to know
> how.
> Any suggestion?

I think you've found a bug :(

I found two working examples, "Filter out low complexity regions (with
DUST)" parameter in tools/ncbi_blast_plus/ncbi_blastn_wrapper.xml and
the scaffolding parameter in sr_assembly/velvetg.xml - however they
are both within a conditional parameter section (only shown in
advanced mode).

Have a look at sr_mapping/bwa_color_wrapper.xml which has a "Suppress
the header in the output SAM file" boolean which should be checked by

<param name="suppressHeader" type="boolean" truevalue="true"
falsevalue="false" checked="true" label="Suppress the header in the
output SAM file" help="BWA produces SAM with several lines of header
information" />

It's not working on http://usegalaxy.org - the box isn't checked.

If you can verify that, please file an issue on bitbucket:


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