On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Johannes Eichner
<johannes.eich...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I defined an additional metadata element for the column names
> analogously to the "column_types" element in the module
> "<galaxy_basedir>/lib/galaxy/tools/datatypes/tabular.py":
> MetadataElement( name="column_names", default=[], desc="Column names",
> param=metadata.ColumnTypesParameter, readonly=True, visible=False,
> no_value=[] )
> Then I read the column names in the function "set.meta" and saved them
> in the new metadata element:
> dataset.metadata.column_names = column_names

Do you look for a tab separated # header line at the start of the file
for these names?

> Finally, I changed a line of code in the function "get.column.list" in
> "<galaxy_basedir>/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/basic.py", such that
> Galaxy displays the column names in the data_column parameter:
> original line: column_list.append( str( i + 1 ) )
> changed line: column_list.append( str( i + 1 ) + ": " +
> dataset.metadata.column_names[i]) )
> Kind regards,
> Johannes

>From a Python style point of view, I'd use string formatting here:

column_list.append("%i: %s" % (i+1, dataset.metadata.column_names[i]))

Do you have a branch on bitbucket for this, or a patch? I'd like to try it.
You could attach a patch to issue 554:


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