Paniagua, Eric wrote:
> Hi Nate,
> Thanks for your answers.  I will look into setting 
> set_metadata_externally=True.
> I've observed no impact (suggesting someone did error handling properly), but 
> upload is the only tool I've tested it with so far.  I'll be doing more 
> shortly, but going with the exec_after_process solution since I don't then 
> need to modify core code here.
> I'm glad to hear that abstraction layer is in the works.
> Regarding the upload and general handling of compressed files, please refer 
> to my response to Brent a short time ago, subject line "[galaxy-user] upload 
> zip file to custom tool".  In particular, I pointed out that it doesn't work 
> even with a manually set file type and why, at least in terms of code.  I was 
> hoping you might know if it was that way on purpose and, if so, why.

It's not really that way on purpose, you should be able to define a
filetype and bypass the unarchiving, but as you've discovered, this
can't be done without modifying the code.  This is essentially a bug.

There are two issues to track related to fixing this:


> Regarding deprecation of the <code> tag and of tool hooks (am I correct to 
> understand that these are deprecated too?), there's been an example at the 
> top of my mind (since I'm going to start working on this today).  In the 
> abstract, the scenario is dynamically populating the tool UI based on a 
> computation on the contents of one or more input datasets.  To an extent, the 
> <conditional> and <page> tags are helpful with this, but without the <code> 
> tag I'm not clear on how to call out to code that inspects the datasets and 
> returns, for the sake of simplicity, options for a single parameter.
> My specific example has to do with constructing a microarray expression 
> analysis pipeline, with one of my starting points being Ross Lazarus's 
> Rexpression code.  I may be able to get around the issue by storing the 
> relevant information in metadata (in a custom datatype's set_meta).  Not sure 
> yet.  Of course, that relies on metadata being handled correctly.  If I run 
> into something more specific, I'll start a new thread.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> ________________________________________
> From: Nate Coraor []
> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 11:03 AM
> To: Paniagua, Eric
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] (Composite) Dataset Upload not Setting Metadata
> Paniagua, Eric wrote:
> > Hi Nate,
> >
> > Thank you for your response!  I am glad that it was you in particular who 
> > did respond, because I also have some questions about the way the upload 
> > tool handles compressed files and saw that you have opened several Issues 
> > related to this on the Galaxy bitbucket site.  First though, I'll fill you 
> > in on my further progress on the composite file issue.
> >
> > As I mentioned in my original email, the trouble is that 
> > JobWrapper.finish() calls dataset.set_meta() before it calls 
> > collect_associated_files(), resulting dataset.extra_files_path being 
> > inaccurate because the files haven't been moved yet from the job working 
> > directory.  This is all with set_metadata_externally=False.  (I haven't 
> > worked with setting metadata externally yet, but I think it is worth 
> > verifying whether everything works correctly for the case I pointed out 
> > when set_metadata_externally=True.)
> >
> > Since my last email, I poked around a bit more and found that my suggested 
> > short patch was not correct but incomplete.  The core problem is that 
> > component files are not moved with the primary file, so I changed that 
> > (patch attached, relative to { 
> > 5955:949e4f5fa03a }.  Early in JobWrapper.finish() the primary file is 
> > moved from the working directory to the appropriate directory under 
> > config.file_path.  This patch uses the structure of the path naming 
> > convention to build the accurate path to the component files, and then 
> > moves them along with the primary file.  It's the least invasive (in terms 
> > of modifying Galaxy core code) potential fix I came up with, but since it 
> > relies explicitly on path structure and naming conventions I still think 
> > it's a bit of a hack.  However, it does seem to work, at least to me.  I 
> > don't have the resources or experience yet to attempt to test whether it 
> > negatively (or positively!) impacts others' use cas!
 es.  I do hope that someone more intimately familiar with the project would be 
able to vet it and make improvements / provide feedback / incorporate a fix for 
this issue to the Galaxy mainline.
> >
> > However, since the group I'm working for operates downstream of the main 
> > Galaxy Development Team (primarily to add tools and maintain a local Galaxy 
> > server for our institution), we really try to avoid complications in merges 
> > when pulling down updates by avoiding changing Galaxy core code as much as 
> > possible.  Consequently, I had to shift focus from finding the best correct 
> > fix to simply finding a workaround, and I found a very simple one.  
> > However, it relies on the deprecated <code> tool config tag, so it will 
> > only work until support for the <code> tag is removed.  It's 
> > self-explanatory and also attached.
> Hi Eric,
> I haven't tried out the patch, but would this have an impact on
> processing that occurs when collect_associated_files() runs since they
> have been moved back already by your code?
> I'd suggest enabling set_metadata_externally = True as I suspect this
> will solve the problems since metadata will be set while the primary
> file is still in the temporary location.  set_metadata_externally = True
> should really be the default setting and we may remove internal metadata
> setting entirely at some point.
> > Regarding potential fixes: Is there any reason why component files of a 
> > composite dataset should not always follow the primary file?  I don't know 
> > of one, but maybe there is some case in running Galaxy over a cluster where 
> > there is reason to do otherwise.  If the answer is no, it seems the best 
> > approach is to add an abstraction layer between the datasets and the file 
> > system to avoid various paths that might be associated to a dataset from 
> > falling out of sync.  One (obviously motivational) function of this layer 
> > would be to move or copy datasets on the file system atomically.  This 
> > seems pretty important especially for enabling even more flexible support 
> > of distributed or clustered installations.
> We're going to be working on just such an abstraction layer shortly.
> > Regarding the upload tool: I just saw your response to my other email on 
> > Leandro's thread.  Thanks for pointing me to the code responsible.  I've 
> > already forked a version of the upload tool for our Galaxy instance.  There 
> > are a lot of issues with the way the way the default upload tool works, and 
> > it sounds like you're aware of that and perhaps it's been a headache for 
> > you too.  If it might help make progress more swift in the Galaxy mainline, 
> > I'd be glad to send you patches for updates and changes I make in the 
> > upload tool.  I do have at least one big question about it though: It 
> > currently attempts to sniff and uncompress files regardless of whether 
> > "Auto-detect" was selected for "File format"; is that by design or 
> > accident?  It seems that (particularly the bits try uncompressing files) 
> > causes headaches for a number of developers/users.  I'm likely to remove 
> > that behavior from my version of the upload tool, but I'll be less inclined 
> > to do so if that will make it diverge !
 significantly from Galaxy's expected design path.
> We definitely need to make it easier to upload compressed files that
> intentionally stay compressed.  This should be the case when setting the
> specific file type, though.
> > Finally, I noted that the <code> tag is deprecated.  I learned this from 
> > the Tool Config Syntax page on the Wiki 
> > (
> >   It says there that it and the tool hooks (like exec_after_process) are 
> > being replaced, but doesn't give many details.  Is there anything you can 
> > tell me about what syntax or mechanism is planned to replace them?  The 
> > ability to generate UI parameters, have the tool page itself interact with 
> > other data sources and programs, use hooks to control tool execution, and 
> > generally interleave arbitrary code with tool/job runs is very useful.  
> > Unfortunately, the tools page appears to be out of date or just not 
> > remotely comprehensive; I've found many examples of syntax in other tools' 
> > configurations that are simply not documented on the Tool Config Syntax 
> > page at all.
> It's true that <code> is deprecated, although I can't provide much
> useful information beyond that.  If you post up what you're using hooks
> for one of my colleagues with more familiarity with tool configs can
> probably reply with the best way to accomplish what you're doing without
> hooks.
> --nate
> >
> > Please do let me know if you're able to doing anything (with or without my 
> > suggestions) about the issue I ran into with the way Galaxy handles 
> > composite datasets on the file system.  Or anything more generally about 
> > composite dataset design intentions, upload functionality, and known 
> > issues.  I'd greatly appreciate it.  Thanks for answering my email!
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> >
> >
> > PS: I'm also unable to download composite datasets that I successfully 
> > uploaded; instead I get an error page saying the URL path doesn't exist.  
> > However, I haven't dug into this one enough to think it's not a local 
> > configuration problem on my end.  Do you recognize this as (related to) a 
> > known issue?
> >
> > ________________________________________
> > From: Nate Coraor []
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:24 AM
> > To: Paniagua, Eric
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] (Composite) Dataset Upload not Setting Metadata
> >
> > Paniagua, Eric wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > Can anyone tell me why JobWrapper.finish() moves the primary dataset file 
> > > dataset_path.false_path to dataset_path.real_path (contingent on 
> > > config.outputs_to_working_directory == True) but does not move the "extra 
> > > files"?  (lib/galaxy/jobs/  It seems to me that if 
> > > you want to move a dataset, you want to move the whole dataset, and that 
> > > perhaps this should be factored out, perhaps into the galaxy.util module?
> > >
> > > Why does class DatasetPath only account for the path to the primary file 
> > > and not the path to the "extra files"?  It could be used to account for 
> > > the "extra files" by path splitting as in my previous suggested bug fix, 
> > > but only if that fix is correct.  It doesn't seem to be used for that 
> > > purpose in the Galaxy code.
> > >
> > > I look forward to an informative response.
> >
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > Sorry for the delay in responding, and thanks for your very detailed
> > digging into this problem.  To answer your above question, DatasetPath
> > only deals with the primary dataset because extra files are already
> > written to the working directory and moved back by the wrapper with
> > collect_associated_files().
> >
> > Making it possible to read these extra files from the working directory
> > will be necessary when set_metadata_externally = True in the config,
> > although I am surprised this has been broken the whole time.  Have you
> > made progress past your last email?  I can pick up from wherever you've
> > left off.
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Eric Paniagua
> > >
> > > ________________________________________
> > > From: 
> > > [] on behalf of Paniagua, Eric 
> > > []
> > > Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 7:37 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] (Composite) Dataset Upload not Setting Metadata
> > >
> > > Hello again,
> > >
> > > It looks like the config.outputs_to_working_directory variable is 
> > > intended to do something closely related, but setting it to either of 
> > > True and False does not in fact fix the problem.
> > >
> > > The output path for files in a composite dataset upload 
> > > (dataset.files_path) that is used in the tools/data_source/upload.xml 
> > > tool is set to a path under the job working directory by 
> > > lib/galaxy/tools/  The preceding code (lines 1507-1516) 
> > > select the path for the primary file contingent on 
> > > config.outputs_to_working_directory.
> > >
> > > Why is the path set in line 1519 not contingent on 
> > > config.outputs_to_working_directory?  Indeed, the following small change 
> > > fixes the bug I'm observing:
> > >
> > > diff -r 949e4f5fa03a lib/galaxy/tools/
> > > --- a/lib/galaxy/tools/      Mon Aug 29 14:42:04 2011 -0400
> > > +++ b/lib/galaxy/tools/      Mon Sep 12 19:32:26 2011 -0400
> > > @@ -1516,7 +1516,9 @@
> > >                  param_dict[name] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( hda )
> > >              # Provide access to a path to store additional files
> > >              # TODO: path munging for cluster/dataset server 
> > > relocatability
> > > -            param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( 
> > > job_working_directory, "dataset_%s_files" % ( ))
> > > +            #param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( 
> > > job_working_directory, "dataset_%s_files" % ( ))
> > > +            # This version should make it always follow the primary file
> > > +            param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( 
> > > os.path.split( param_dict[name].file_name )[0], "dataset_%s_files" % 
> > > ( ))
> > >              for child in hda.children:
> > >                  param_dict[ "_CHILD___%s___%s" % ( name, 
> > > child.designation ) ] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( child )
> > >          for out_name, output in self.outputs.iteritems():
> > >
> > > Would this break anything?
> > >
> > > If that cannot be changed, would the best solution be to modify the 
> > > upload tool so that it took care of this on its own?  That seems readily 
> > > doable, but starts to decentralize control of data flow policy.
> > >
> > > Please advise.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Eric Paniagua
> > > ________________________________________
> > > From: 
> > > [] on behalf of Paniagua, Eric 
> > > []
> > > Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 1:45 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [galaxy-dev] (Composite) Dataset Upload not Setting Metadata
> > >
> > > Hi everyone,
> > >
> > > I've been getting my feet wet with Galaxy development working to get some 
> > > of the rexpression tools online, and I've run into a snag that I've 
> > > traced back to a set_meta datatype method not being able to find a file 
> > > from which it wants to extract metadata.  After reading the code, I 
> > > believe this would also be a problem for non-composite datatypes.
> > >
> > > The specific test case I've been looking at is uploading an affybatch 
> > > file (and associated pheno file) using Galaxy's built-in upload tool and 
> > > selecting the File Format manually (ie choosing "affybatch" in the 
> > > dropdown).  I am using unmodified datatype definitions provided in 
> > > lib/galaxy/datatypes/ and unmodified core Galaxy upload code 
> > > as of 5955:949e4f5fa03a.  (I am also testing with modified versions, but 
> > > I am able to reproduce and track this bug in the specified clean version).
> > >
> > > The crux of the cause of error is that in JobWrapper.finish(), 
> > > dataset.set_meta() is called (lib/galaxy/jobs/ before the 
> > > composite dataset uploaded files are moved (in a call to a Tool method 
> > > "self.tool.collect_associated_files(out_data, self.working_directory)" on 
> > > line 670) from the job working directory to the final destination under 
> > > config.file_path (which defaults to "database/files").
> > >
> > > In my test case, "database.set_meta( overwrite = False )" eventually 
> > > calls lib/galaxy/datatypes/, **kwd).  As 
> > > far as I can tell, the only ways to construct a path to a file (or the 
> > > file) in a dataset without using hard-coded paths from external knowledge 
> > > is to use the Dataset.get_file_name or Dataset.extra_files_path 
> > > properties.  Unless explicitly told otherwise, both of these methods 
> > > construct a path based on the Dataset.file_path class data member, whose 
> > > value is set during Galaxy startup to config.file_path (default 
> > > "database/files").  However, at the time set_meta is called in this case, 
> > > the files are not under config.file_path, but rather under the job 
> > > working directory.  Attempting to open files from the dataset therefore 
> > > fails when using these paths.  However, unless the job working directory 
> > > is passed to set_meta or during construction of the underlying Dataset 
> > > object, there doesn't appear to be a way for a Dataset method to acc!
 ess th!
> > >  e currently running job (for instance to get its job ID or working 
> > > directory).  (The second suggestion is actually not possible; since the 
> > > standard upload is asynchronous, the Dataset object is created (and 
> > > persisted) before the Job that will process it is created.)
> > >
> > > Thoughts?  This issue affects Rexp.set_peek also, as well as any other 
> > > functions that may want to read data from the uploaded files before they 
> > > are moved to permanent location.  This is why if you have an affybatch 
> > > file and its associated pheno file and you test this on, say, the public 
> > > Galaxy server at you'll see that the peek info 
> > > says (for example): "##failed to find 
> > > /galaxy/main_database/files/002/948/dataset_2948818_files/affybatch_test.pheno"
> > >
> > > It seems that if the current way that Dataset.file_path, 
> > > Dataset.file_name, and Dataset.extra_files_path is part of the desired 
> > > design of Galaxy, that methods like set_meta should be run after the 
> > > files have been moved to config.file_path so they can set metadata based 
> > > on file contents.  It looks like this is intended to happen at least in 
> > > some cases, from looking at lib/galaxy/jobs/  
> > > However, in my tests this code is not kicking in because hda_tool_output 
> > > is None.
> > >
> > > Any clarification on what's happening here, what's supposed to be 
> > > happening for setting metadata on (potentially composite) uploads, why 
> > > dataset.set_meta() isn't already being called after the files are moved 
> > > to config.file_path, or any insights on related Galaxy design decisions I 
> > > may not know about or design constraints I may have missed would be very 
> > > greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > I'd also be glad to provide further detail or test files upon request.
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > > Eric Paniagua
> > >
> > > PS: Further notes on passing the job working directory to set_meta or 
> > > set_peek - I have been successful modifying the code to do this for 
> > > set_meta since the call chain starting from dataset.set_meta() in 
> > > JobWrapper.finish() to Rexp.set_meta() accepts and forwards keyword 
> > > argument dictionaries along the way.  However, set_peek does not accept 
> > > arbitrary keyword arguments, making it harder to pass along the job 
> > > working directory when needed without stepping on the toes of any other 
> > > code.
> > >
> > > ___________________________________________________________
> > > Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
> > > in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
> > > and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___________________________________________________________
> > > Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
> > > in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
> > > and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___________________________________________________________
> > > Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
> > > in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
> > > and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
> > >
> > >
> > # This file provides a workaround to the problem of premature set_meta 
> > calls in
> > # JobWrapper.finish(), which calls set_meta before the component files of a
> > # a composite dataset have been moved to their correct paths. This 
> > workaround
> > # exploits the fact that the exec_after_process hook is called after the 
> > component
> > # files have been moved.
> > #
> > # This problem affects tools that produce composite datasets in their 
> > output.
> > #
> > # To use this workaround, add the following to your tool's XML configuration
> > # (assuming it's in the same directory as this file):
> > #
> > #       <code file=""/>
> > #
> > # Also, composite types should set peek to start with '##failed' to be 
> > compatible.
> >
> > # Retry set_peek and set_meta after the tool has collected all files
> > def exec_after_process( app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict,tool, stdout, 
> > stderr):
> >     for name, data in out_data.items():
> >         if data.peek.find( '##failed' ) == 0:
> >             data.set_meta( overwrite=False )
> >             data.set_peek( is_multi_byte=data.is_multi_byte() )
> >             app.model.context.add( data )
> >             app.model.context.flush()
> > diff -r -c -x '.hg*' psu_dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/ 
> > glxtemp/lib/galaxy/jobs/
> > *** psu_dist/lib/galaxy/jobs/      Fri Sep 16 11:03:48 2011
> > --- glxtemp/lib/galaxy/jobs/       Wed Sep 28 13:58:28 2011
> > ***************
> > *** 551,556 ****
> > --- 551,574 ----
> >                       else:
> >                  "Job %s's output dataset(s) could not 
> > be read" % )
> >                           return
> > +                 efp_fake = dataset_path.false_path.replace( '.dat', 
> > '_files' )
> > +                 efp_real = dataset_path.real_path.replace( '.dat', 
> > '_files' )
> > +                 try:
> > +                     shutil.move( efp_fake, efp_real )
> > +                     log.debug( "finish(): Moved %s to %s" % (efp_fake, 
> > efp_real) )
> > +                 except ( IOError, OSError ) as e:
> > +                     # this can happen if Galaxy is restarted during the 
> > job's
> > +                     # finish method - the false_path file has already 
> > moved,
> > +                     # and when the job is recovered, it won't be found.
> > +                     if os.path.exists( efp_fake ):
> > +                         log.warning( "finish(): Path %s does exist, but 
> > could not be moved: " % (efp_fake, e.strerror) )
> > +                     else:
> > +                         log.warning( "finish(): Path %s doesn't exist" )
> > +                     if os.path.exists( efp_real ) and os.path.isdir( 
> > efp_real ):
> > +                         log.warning( "finish(): %s found, so it will be 
> > used instead" % ( efp_fake, efp_real ) )
> > +                     else:
> > +                "Job %s's output dataset(s) could not 
> > be read" % )
> > +                         return
> >           job_context = ExpressionContext( dict( stdout = stdout, stderr = 
> > stderr ) )
> >           job_tool = job.tool_id, None )
> >           def in_directory( file, directory ):
> > diff -r -c -x '.hg*' psu_dist/lib/galaxy/tools/ 
> > glxtemp/lib/galaxy/tools/
> > *** psu_dist/lib/galaxy/tools/     Fri Sep 16 11:03:48 2011
> > --- glxtemp/lib/galaxy/tools/      Wed Sep 28 13:58:44 2011
> > ***************
> > *** 1516,1522 ****
> >                   param_dict[name] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( hda )
> >               # Provide access to a path to store additional files
> >               # TODO: path munging for cluster/dataset server relocatability
> > !             param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( 
> > job_working_directory, "dataset_%s_files" % ( ))
> >               for child in hda.children:
> >                   param_dict[ "_CHILD___%s___%s" % ( name, 
> > child.designation ) ] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( child )
> >           for out_name, output in self.outputs.iteritems():
> > --- 1516,1524 ----
> >                   param_dict[name] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( hda )
> >               # Provide access to a path to store additional files
> >               # TODO: path munging for cluster/dataset server relocatability
> > !             #param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( 
> > job_working_directory, "dataset_%s_files" % ( ))
> > !             # This version should make it always follow the primary file
> > !             param_dict[name].files_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( 
> > os.path.split( param_dict[name].file_name )[0], os.path.split( 
> > param_dict[name].file_name )[1].replace( '.dat', '_files' ) ))
> >               for child in hda.children:
> >                   param_dict[ "_CHILD___%s___%s" % ( name, 
> > child.designation ) ] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( child )
> >           for out_name, output in self.outputs.iteritems():

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