
I received an error when I was trying to view the details of existing
workflows through API.

I can see 4 workflows owned by myself successfully. But viewing the details
of any workflow got me a 500 error.

./display.py  <my_key> http://galaxy.nbic.nl/galaxy/api/workflows
Collection Members
#1: /galaxy/api/workflows/e037fdb493429c2a
  name: test
  id: e037fdb493429c2a
#2: /galaxy/api/workflows/13120e62d0fbb985
  name: imported: Partial Workflow for Student Project (1)
  id: 13120e62d0fbb985
#3: /galaxy/api/workflows/c9468fdb6dc5c5f1
  name: GAPSS SNP calling
  id: c9468fdb6dc5c5f1
#4: /galaxy/api/workflows/3f5830403180d620
  name: GAPPS CAGE
  id: 3f5830403180d620

4 element(s) in collection

./display.py <my_key>
HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
500 Internal Server Error
The server has either erred or is incapable of performing
the requested operation.

Here is the error message in paster.log:
galaxy.web.framework ERROR 2012-01-06 17:46:53,349 Uncaught exception in
exposed API method:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 147, in decorator
    return simplejson.dumps( func( self, trans, *args, **kwargs ) )
  File "/opt/galaxy/prog/galaxy-2011-12-5/lib/galaxy/web/api/workflows.py",
line 68, in show
    inputs[step.id] = {'label':step.tool_inputs['name'], 'value':""}
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
<my_IP> - - [06/Jan/2012:17:46:53 +0200] "GET
/galaxy/api/workflows/e037fdb493429c2a?key=<my_key> HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-"

Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?


Hailiang (Leon) Mei
Netherlands Bioinformatics Center
BioAssist NGS Taskforce
 - https://wiki.nbic.nl/index.php/Next_Generation_Sequencing
Skype: leon_mei    Mobile: +31 6 41709231
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