
Check out the cleanup_job setting in universe_wsgi.ini(and included below).  It 
sounds like 'cleanup_job = onsuccess' is exactly what you're looking for.


# Clean up various bits of jobs left on the filesystem after completion.  These
# bits include the job working directory, external metadata temporary files,
# and DRM stdout and stderr files (if using a DRM).  Possible values are:
# always, onsuccess, never
#cleanup_job = always

On Apr 24, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Josh Nielsen wrote:

> Hello again,
> As I mentioned in a recent post I often find need to debug jobs running from 
> our local Galaxy mirror and I often have the need to look at the script & 
> data files that the job is trying to use in order to figure out what is 
> causing a problem. The directories containing those file are in 
> '[galaxy_dist]/database/pbs/' and 
> '[galaxy_dist]/database/job_working_directory/' for me. Each job that is run 
> gets a corresponding .sh file in the pbs/ directory (like which will 
> have the entire sequence of bash commands to execute the job with and also a 
> call to a wrapper script somewhere in the middle normally. That script 
> information is very useful, but the problem is that when a job fails (often 
> within the first 30 seconds of running it) the script is deleted and there is 
> no trace of it left in the directory. The same with the output or job data 
> files in job_working_directory/. 
> I have had to suffice with using the technique of coordinating with the user 
> when to (re)run their failed job and then quickly within the 30 second window 
> do a "cp -R" command, so that when 
> the script is deleted I have a copy that I can examine. The same goes with 
> copying the job_working_directory/ files. I know that it would get very 
> cluttered in those directories if they were not automatically cleaned/deleted 
> but I find those files essential for debugging. Is there a way to force 
> Galaxy to retain those files (optionally) for debugging purposes? Maybe make 
> a new option in the universe.ini file for that purpose that can be set for 
> people who want it?
> Thanks,
> Josh Nielsen
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