I've follow the instruction of this wiki :

And when I ran the command :

GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 sh run.sh --daemon

I've just obtain this answer in the terminal :
Entering daemon mode

without this type of line :

Handling web0 with log file web0.log

First : is it normal and is my apache configuration right :
In my Default file I add <Proxy balancer://galaxy>... after my rewrite
rules and it replace the instructions :<Proxy

Second : how can I connect in my browser to Galaxy, because I've tried
http://localhost:8080/galaxy and
and it didn't work, the browser says me : unable to connect

I set this configuration because I want to increase the performances
of Galaxy. in fact when I upload a file, with your web server, it run
in 20 minutes and with my server it don't finish after 1 hour!
Is it normal?

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