Hi all,

We just upgraded our local galaxy to the latest version and now I am
trying to get automatic tool installation to work properly.  I changed
the universe_wsgi.ini file to enable the toolshed xml file, I created
a "shed_tools" directory one above the galaxy install, and restarted
galaxy.  But when I try to install a repository, I get this error as a
popup: "Initializing repository installation failed".  I tried this
with various repositories, but I get the same error.  Then when I go
to "Manage installed tool shed repositories", all of the repositories
I tried to install are stuck in the "Cloning" state.  Finally, if I
try to uninstall any of them, I get this error, with a traceback:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'

Any ideas?

- Nik.

Nikhil Joshi
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
UC Davis Bioinformatics Core
najoshi -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
530.752.2698 (w)
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