   I installed galaxy in a new server that I build and I am getting the
following error when I try to upload the files from a local directory.

Error attempting to display contents of library (A.aegypti_mRNA):
(OperationalError) no such column: True u'SELECT AS
dataset_permissions_id, dataset_permissions.create_time AS
dataset_permissions_create_time, dataset_permissions.update_time AS
dataset_permissions_update_time, dataset_permissions.action AS
dataset_permissions_action, dataset_permissions.dataset_id AS
dataset_permissions_dataset_id, dataset_permissions.role_id AS
dataset_permissions_role_id XnFROM dataset_permissions XnWHERE True AND
dataset_permissions.action = ?' ['access'].

My raw data is stored in a different hard drive and I am just linking them
to Galaxy. I also changed the permissions recursively in the folder where
the data is (777). Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.


*Luciano Cosme*

PhD Candidate
Texas A&M Entomology
Vector Biology Research Group
979 845 1885
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