Ah ha!  This is the problem -- your run.sh is incorrect due to what I'm 
assuming was a failed merge.  Here's a correct copy, note the inclusion of the 
extra .sample files.

Modify or replace your run.sh with this (which is from the most recent cloud 
images), restart galaxy, and you're good to go.

Attachment: run.sh
Description: Binary data

On Nov 8, 2012, at 2:03 PM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu> wrote:

> Ok that directory exists but public builds.txt has a .sample at the end.
> ubuntu@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/tool-data/shared/ucsc$
>  ls
> builds.txt builds.txt.sample publicbuilds.txt.sample ucsc_build_sites.txt.new
> builds.txt.buildbot manual_builds.txt ucsc_build_sites.txt
> ubuntu@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central$ hg tip
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> changeset: 8167:b0c916349070
> tag: tip
> user: clements
> date: Wed Oct 31 23:08:09 2012 -0700
> summary: Update docstrings so they no longer generate warnings in Sphix.
> ubuntu@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central$ hg st
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> M run.sh
> M tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt
> ? paster.log
> ? paster.log.16_06
> ? paster.log.16_46
> ? paster.log.17_29
> ? paster.log.21_01
> ? paster.log.22_24
> ? paster.log.22_38
> ? paster.log.22_42
> ? paster.pid
> ? static/images/cloud.gif
> ? static/images/cloud_text.png
> ? tool-data/HYPHY
> ? tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt.new
> ? tool_data_table_conf.xml.cloud
> ? tool_data_table_conf.xml_DEF
> ubuntu@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central$ hg diff
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> Not trusting file /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/.hg/hgrc from untrusted 
> user galaxy, group galaxy
> diff -r b0c916349070 run.sh
> --- a/run.sh Wed Oct 31 23:08:09 2012 -0700
> +++ b/run.sh Thu Nov 08 19:01:34 2012 +0000
> @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
> #!/bin/sh
> +export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sge/lib/lx24-amd64/libdrmaa.so.1.0
> cd `dirname $0`
> -python ./scripts/check_python.py
> +python -ES ./scripts/check_python.py
> [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
> @@ -17,10 +18,7 @@
> tool_sheds_conf.xml.sample
> openid_conf.xml.sample
> universe_wsgi.ini.sample
> - tool-data/shared/ncbi/builds.txt.sample
> - tool-data/shared/ensembl/builds.txt.sample
> tool-data/shared/ucsc/builds.txt.sample
> - tool-data/shared/ucsc/publicbuilds.txt.sample
> tool-data/shared/igv/igv_build_sites.txt.sample
> tool-data/shared/rviewer/rviewer_build_sites.txt.sample
> tool-data/*.sample
> @@ -36,20 +34,16 @@
> fi
> done
> -if [ -n "$GALAXY_UNIVERSE_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
> - python ./scripts/build_universe_config.py "$GALAXY_UNIVERSE_CONFIG_DIR"
> -fi
> -
> # explicitly attempt to fetch eggs before running
> for arg in "$@"; do
> [ "$arg" = "--stop-daemon" ] && FETCH_EGGS=0; break
> done
> if [ $FETCH_EGGS -eq 1 ]; then
> - python ./scripts/check_eggs.py -q
> + python -ES ./scripts/check_eggs.py -q
> if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
> echo "Some eggs are out of date, attempting to fetch..."
> - python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py
> + python -ES ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py
> if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
> echo "Fetch successful."
> else
> @@ -68,8 +62,8 @@
> fi
> for server in $servers; do
> echo "Handling $server with log file $server.log..."
> - python ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini --server-name=$server 
> --pid-file=$server.pid --log-file=$server.log $@
> + python -ES ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini 
> --server-name=$server --pid-file=$server.pid --log-file=$server.log $@
> done
> else
> - python ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini $@
> + python -ES ./scripts/paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini $@
> fi
> diff -r b0c916349070 tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt
> --- a/tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt Wed Oct 31 23:08:09 2012 
> -0700
> +++ b/tool-data/shared/ucsc/ucsc_build_sites.txt Thu Nov 08 19:01:34 2012 
> +0000
> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
> #Harvested from http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/das/dsn
> -main http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks? 
> priPac1,danRer4,mm9,mm8,droAna1,mm5,caeRem2,mm7,mm6,panTro1,dm3,panTro2,anoCar1,ce4,galGal3,galGal2,ce1,rn3,rn2,droMoj1,droMoj2,rn4,droYak1,droYak2,dp3,dp2,dm1,canFam1,danRer5,canFam2,danRer3,danRer2,ornAna1,ci2,ci1,tetNig1,bosTau1,bosTau3,bosTau2,equCab1,oryLat1,droAna2,droEre1,ponAbe2,rheMac2,sacCer1,droPer1,droSim1,monDom1,cb1,dm2,droSec1,strPur1,droVir2,droVir1,strPur2,sc1,xenTro1,droGri1,xenTro2,cb3,gasAcu1,caePb1,anoGam1,fr2,fr1,hg15,hg16,hg17,hg18,felCat3,apiMel2,monDom4,apiMel1,ce2
> +main http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks? 
> priPac1,danRer4,mm9,mm8,droAna1,mm5,caeRem2,mm7,mm6,panTro1,dm3,panTro2,anoCar1,ce4,galGal3,galGal2,ce1,rn3,rn2,droMoj1,droMoj2,rn4,droYak1,droYak2,dp3,dp2,dm1,canFam1,danRer5,canFam2,danRer3,danRer2,ornAna1,ci2,ci1,tetNig1,bosTau1,bosTau3,bosTau2,equCab1,oryLat1,droAna2,droEre1,ponAbe2,rheMac2,sacCer1,droPer1,droSim1,monDom1,cb1,dm2,droSec1,strPur1,droVir2,droVir1,strPur2,sc1,xenTro1,droGri1,xenTro2,cb3,gasAcu1,caePb1,anoGam1,fr2,fr1,hg15,hg16,hg17,hg18,felCat3,apiMel2,monDom4,apiMel1,ce2,hg19
> #Harvested from http://archaea.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/das/dsn
> archaea http://archaea.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks? 
> alkaEhrl_MLHE_1,shewW318,idioLoih_L2TR,sulSol1,erwiCaro_ATROSEPTICA,symbTher_IAM14863,moorTher_ATCC39073,therFusc_YX,methHung1,bradJapo,therElon,shewPutrCN32,pediPent_ATCC25745,mariMari_MCS10,nanEqu1,baciSubt,chlaTrac,magnMagn_AMB_1,chroViol,ralsSola,acidCryp_JF_5,erytLito_HTCC2594,desuVulg_HILDENBOROUG,pyrAer1,sulfToko1,shewANA3,paraSp_UWE25,geobKaus_HTA426,rhizEtli_CFN_42,uncuMeth_RCI,candBloc_FLORIDANUS,deinRadi,yersPest_CO92,saccEryt_NRRL_2338,rhodRHA1,candCars_RUDDII,burkMall_ATCC23344,eschColi_O157H7,burk383,psycIngr_37,rhodSpha_2_4_1,wolbEndo_OF_DROSOPHIL,burkViet_G4,propAcne_KPA171202,enteFaec_V583,campJeju_81_176,acidJS42,heliPylo_26695,pseuHalo_TAC125,chroSale_DSM3043,methVann1,archFulg1,neisMeni_Z2491_1,fusoNucl,vermEise_EF01_2,anabVari_ATCC29413,tropWhip_TW08_27,heliHepa,acinSp_ADP1,anapMarg_ST_MARIES,natrPhar1,haheChej_KCTC_2396,therPetr_RKU_1,neisGono_FA1090_1,colwPsyc_34H,desuPsyc_LSV54,hyphNept_ATCC15444,vibrChol1,deinGeot_DSM11300,strePyog_M1_GAS,franCcI3,salmTyph,metaSedu,lactSali_UCC118,trepPall,neisMeni_MC58_1,syntWolf_GOETTINGEN,flavJohn_UW101,methBoon1,haemSomn_129PT,shewLoihPV4,igniHosp1,haemInfl_KW20,haloHalo_SL1,ferrAcid1,sphiAlas_RB2256,candPela_UBIQUE_HTCC1,caldSacc_DSM8903,aerPer1,lactPlan,carbHydr_Z_2901,therTher_HB8,vibrVuln_YJ016_1,rhodPalu_CGA009,acidCell_11B,siliPome_DSS_3,therVolc1,haloWals1,rubrXyla_DSM9941,shewAmaz,nocaJS61,vibrVuln_CMCP6_1,sinoMeli,ureaUrea,baciHalo,bartHens_HOUSTON_1,nitrWino_NB_255,hypeButy1,methBurt2,polaJS66,mesoLoti,methMari_C7,caulCres,neisMeni_FAM18_1,acidBact_ELLIN345,caldMaqu1,salmEnte_PARATYPI_ATC,glucOxyd_621H,cytoHutc_ATCC33406,nitrEuro,therMari,coxiBurn,woliSucc,heliPylo_HPAG1,mesoFlor_L1,pyrHor1,methAeol1,procMari_CCMP1375,pyroArse1,oenoOeni_PSU_1,alcaBork_SK2,wiggBrev,actiPleu_L20,lactLact,methJann1,paraDeni_PD1222,borrBurg,pyroIsla1,orieTsut_BORYONG,shewMR4,methKand1,methCaps_BATH,onioYell_PHYTOPLASMA,bordBron,cenaSymb1,burkCeno_HI2424,franTula_TULARENSIS,pyrFur2,mariAqua_VT8,heliPylo_J99,psycArct_273_4,vibrChol_MO10_1,vibrPara1,rickBell_RML369_C,metAce1,buchSp,ehrlRumi_WELGEVONDEN,methLabrZ_1,chlaPneu_CWL029,thioCrun_XCL_2,pyroCali1,chloTepi_TLS,stapAure_MU50,novoArom_DSM12444,magnMC1,zymoMobi_ZM4,salmTyph_TY2,chloChlo_CAD3,azoaSp_EBN1,therTher_HB27,bifiLong,picrTorr1,listInno,bdelBact,gramFors_KT0803,sulfAcid1,geobTher_NG80_2,peloCarb,ralsEutr_JMP134,mannSucc_MBEL55E,syneSp_WH8102,methTherPT1,clavMich_NCPPB_382,therAcid1,syntAcid_SB,porpGing_W83,therNeut0,leifXyli_XYLI_CTCB0,shewFrig,photProf_SS9,thioDeni_ATCC25259,methMaze1,desuRedu_MI_1,burkThai_E264,campFetu_82_40,blocFlor,jannCCS1,nitrMult_ATCC25196,streCoel,soliUsit_ELLIN6076,pastMult,saliRube_DSM13855,methTher1,nostSp,shigFlex_2A,saccDegr_2_40,oceaIhey,dehaEthe_195,rhodRubr_ATCC11170,arthFB24,shewMR7,pireSp,anaeDeha_2CP_C,haloVolc1,dichNodo_VCS1703A,tricEryt_IMS101,mycoGeni,thioDeni_ATCC33889,methSmit1,geobUran_RF4,shewDeni,halMar1,desuHafn_Y51,methStad1,granBeth_CGDNIH1,therPend1,legiPneu_PHILADELPHIA,vibrChol_O395_1,nitrOcea_ATCC19707,campJeju_RM1221,methPetr_PM1,heliAcin_SHEEBA,eschColi_APEC_O1,peloTher_SI,haloHalo1,syntFuma_MPOB,xyleFast,gloeViol,leucMese_ATCC8293,bactThet_VPI_5482,xantCamp,sodaGlos_MORSITANS,geobSulf,roseDeni_OCH_114,coryEffi_YS_314,brucMeli,mycoTube_H37RV,vibrFisc_ES114_1,pyrAby1,burkXeno_LB400,polyQLWP,stapMari1,peloLute_DSM273,burkCeno_AU_1054,shewBalt,nocaFarc_IFM10152,ente638,mculMari1,saliTrop_CNB_440,neorSenn_MIYAYAMA,aquiAeol,dechArom_RCB,myxoXant_DK_1622,burkPseu_1106A,burkCepa_AMMD,methMari_C5_1,azorCaul2,methFlag_KT,leptInte,eschColi_K12,synePCC6,baumCica_HOMALODISCA,methBark1,pseuAeru,geobMeta_GS15,eschColi_CFT073,photLumi,metMar1,hermArse,campJeju,therKoda1,aeroHydr_ATCC7966,baciAnth_AMES,shewOnei,therTeng,lawsIntr_PHE_MN1_00
> #Harvested from http://genome-test.cse.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/das/dsn
> On 11/8/12 1:55 PM, "Dannon Baker" <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>> That path should resolve to 
>> /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/tool-data/shared/ucsc/ (or ensembl, ncbi, 
>> etc)
>> Can you tell me the output of 'hg tip' 'hg st' and 'hg diff' from the root 
>> /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/ ?
>> -Dannon
>> On Nov 8, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu> wrote:
>>> Errors are being output to stdout
>>> The files don't exist and complicated by the /../../ where I don't know
>>> which subdirectory to follow. Attached screen shot of job failing giving
>>> the ERROR message in the web gui. I also get the same errors when
>>> attempting to run Abys which doesn't run because it isn't installed.
>>> galaxy@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util$
>>> find -name publicbuilds.txt
>>> galaxy@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util$ ls
>>> aliaspickler.py   debugging.py           hash_util.py    __init__.py
>>> lrucache.pyc   odict.pyc          streamball.py   topsort.pyc
>>> aliaspickler.pyc  docutils_ext           hash_util.pyc   __init__.pyc
>>> memdump.py     sanitize_html.py   streamball.pyc
>>> backports         docutils_template.txt  heartbeat.py    json.py
>>> none_like.py   sanitize_html.pyc  template.py
>>> bunch.py          expressions.py         inflection.py   json.pyc
>>> none_like.pyc  shed_util.py       template.pyc
>>> bunch.pyc         expressions.pyc        inflection.pyc  lrucache.py
>>> odict.py       shed_util.pyc      topsort.py
>>> On 11/8/12 1:34 PM, "Dannon Baker" <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> Glad to help.  The first step would be to check and see if those files
>>>> actually exist (and they should).
>>>> If those messages are occurring on stdout and not stderr though, they
>>>> shouldn't be causing failed jobs and something else might be wrong.
>>>> -Dannon
>>>> On Nov 8, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks! That was the explanation I was looking for and the link for how
>>>>> to
>>>>> Do you have any suggestions for fixing the error that are still
>>>>> occurring
>>>>> after running Bowtie?
>>>>> Sequence file aligned.
>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-data/share
>>>>> d/
>>>>> ucsc/publicbuilds.txt'
>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-data/share
>>>>> d/
>>>>> ensembl/builds.txt'
>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-data/share
>>>>> d/
>>>>> ncbi/builds.txt'
>>>>> On 11/8/12 12:44 PM, "Dannon Baker" <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> You do not need to restart or add/remove worker nodes, the master's
>>>>>> tool
>>>>>> and data volumes are shared via NFS.
>>>>>> The easiest way to make this work for you in the cloud is probably
>>>>>> going
>>>>>> to be installing the version of the Abyss binaries you'd like to use
>>>>>> manually in /mnt/galaxyTools/abyss/<version>/ using galaxy's dependency
>>>>>> management
>>>>>> (http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Config/Tool%20Dependencies) and
>>>>>> then, after it has been installed, modify the abyss wrapper to include
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> <requirement type="package">abyss</requirement> tag, and finally
>>>>>> persist
>>>>>> changes to galaxyTools (which will also restart Galaxy, reloading the
>>>>>> tools).
>>>>>> -Dannon
>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dannon
>>>>>>> If I install abyss to the galaxy tools volume and use cloud admin to
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> snapshot I assume I then need to remove and then add compute nodes?
>>>>>>> From
>>>>>>> the EC2 management console I see two 15GiB EBS volumes from the same
>>>>>>> snapshot and I have a master and one compute node running. The other
>>>>>>> approach is that the compute nodes have a NFS mount back into the
>>>>>>> galaxy_tools volume. Trying to make sure I understand the need to
>>>>>>> restart
>>>>>>> the compute nodes after an install of third party tools.
>>>>>>> From looking at the abyss wrapper it is expecting ABYSS to be found on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> path via a .sh file that gets called. Where would I update the path
>>>>>>> to a
>>>>>>> particular installed tool such that it will be picked up for each
>>>>>>> compute
>>>>>>> node that gets started? I couldn't find any examples of doing a third
>>>>>>> party install with discussion about how that install would persist to
>>>>>>> future compute nodes. The missing element for me at the moment is
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> make path related changes that will be picked up by compute nodes. I
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> hard code the path in the .sh file used by the wrapper. Just trying to
>>>>>>> figure out how to use the software as designed.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Scooter
>>>>>>> On 11/8/12 11:49 AM, "Dannon Baker" <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Neither abyss wrapper in the toolshed installs binaries (you'd see a
>>>>>>>> tool_dependencies.xml in the repository), that's left up to the end
>>>>>>>> user.
>>>>>>>> You might contact the authors of the wrappers via the toolshed to see
>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>> they were going to add dependency management and had a newer version,
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> otherwise you'll have to install binaries on your own.  The cloud
>>>>>>>> volumes
>>>>>>>> do have a version of the Abyss binaries preinstalled, but it's
>>>>>>>> certainly
>>>>>>>> possible to add a newer version to your particular instance and
>>>>>>>> persist
>>>>>>>> the changes to the tool volume (see the cloud admin panel).
>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ok that fixed Bowtie.
>>>>>>>>> Any thoughts on expected state of installing Abyss from toolshed. It
>>>>>>>>> indicates no requirements so my expectation is that installing from
>>>>>>>>> toolshed should install the appropriate abyss package in a location
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> tool is expecting to find it.
>>>>>>>>> In looking at the toolshed looks like two wrappers have been
>>>>>>>>> configured.
>>>>>>>>> One by msjeon and the other edward-kirton. I did the install for
>>>>>>>>> msjeon.
>>>>>>>>> Will try the other.
>>>>>>>>> Is the abyss install located at
>>>>>>>>> /mnt/galaxyTools/tools/abyss/1.2.5/bin
>>>>>>>>> from prior testing and should be deleted. Current release version of
>>>>>>>>> abyss
>>>>>>>>> as of May 30 2012 is Abyss 1.3.4
>>>>>>>>> On 11/8/12 11:00 AM, "Dannon Baker" <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately the cloud instance upgrade path requires some manual
>>>>>>>>>> intervention here due to tool migrations.  SSH in to your instance,
>>>>>>>>>> edit
>>>>>>>>>> /mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/datatypes_conf.xml removing any
>>>>>>>>>> references to BlastXML.  Save the file, restart galaxy, and you
>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> good to go.
>>>>>>>>>> -Dannon
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 8, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Scooter Willis <hwil...@scripps.edu>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Running a CloudMan created instance on Amazon.
>>>>>>>>>>> Updated using cloudman from
>>>>>>>>>>> http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central
>>>>>>>>>>> to version 8167:b0c916349070
>>>>>>>>>>> Tried to run bowtie and get the following error. Searched the
>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>> archives an someone else reported the same problem but thought it
>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>> related to a new version of cufflinks. Same problem also exists
>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>> running abyss. Given the nature of the error message not even sure
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>> the actual path should be. Also for the abyss install from
>>>>>>>>>>> toolshed
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu directory doesn't exist or the six
>>>>>>>>>>> directories
>>>>>>>>>>> underneath. However Abyss was/is installed at the following
>>>>>>>>>>> location
>>>>>>>>>>>> galaxy@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/tools/abyss/1.2.5/bin$
>>>>>>>>>>>> ls
>>>>>>>>>>>> ABYSS      abyss-adjtodot  abyss-joindist  abyss-tofastq
>>>>>>>>>>>> DistanceEst
>>>>>>>>>>>> MergePaths   PathConsensus  SimpleGraph
>>>>>>>>>>>> abyss2ace  abyss-fac       ABYSS-P         AdjList
>>>>>>>>>>>> KAligner
>>>>>>>>>>>> Overlap      PathOverlap
>>>>>>>>>>>> abyss2afg  abyss-fixmate   abyss-pe        Consensus
>>>>>>>>>>>> MergeContigs
>>>>>>>>>>>> ParseAligns  PopBubbles
>>>>>>>>>>> Would be great if someone could give some guidance on how to
>>>>>>>>>>> resolve
>>>>>>>>>>> the problems. I understand if I need to do something under the
>>>>>>>>>>> covers
>>>>>>>>>>> but the expectation is that the one click install/updates should
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> then require major command line work that isn't documented.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Scooter
>>>>>>>>>>> Bowtie
>>>>>>>>>>> Stdout
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sequence file aligned.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ucsc/publicbuilds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ensembl/builds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ncbi/builds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>> Stderr
>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error loading datatype with
>>>>>>>>>>>> extension 'blastxml': 'module' object has no attribute 'BlastXml'
>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error appending sniffer for
>>>>>>>>>>>> datatype
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'galaxy.datatypes.xml:BlastXml' to sniff_order: 'module' object
>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute 'BlastXml'
>>>>>>>>>>> Using toolshed installed Abyss and get the same error in Stdout.
>>>>>>>>>>> Stdout
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ucsc/publicbuilds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ensembl/builds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR: Unable to read builds file: [Errno 2] No such file or
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory:
>>>>>>>>>>>> '/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/util/../../../tool-dat
>>>>>>>>>>>> a/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> ar
>>>>>>>>>>>> ed/ncbi/builds.txt'
>>>>>>>>>>> Stderr
>>>>>>>>>>>> COMMAND FAILURE:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /mnt/galaxyTools/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/msjeon/ab
>>>>>>>>>>>> ys
>>>>>>>>>>>> s_
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> ol/ce99b6666d1f/abyss_tool/abyss_toolsuite-92636934a189/abyss/abys
>>>>>>>>>>>> s_
>>>>>>>>>>>> wr
>>>>>>>>>>>> ap
>>>>>>>>>>>> per.sh: line 9: ABYSS: command not found
>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error loading datatype with
>>>>>>>>>>>> extension 'blastxml': 'module' object has no attribute 'BlastXml'
>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error appending sniffer for
>>>>>>>>>>>> datatype
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'galaxy.datatypes.xml:BlastXml' to sniff_order: 'module' object
>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute 'BlastXml'
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at the util directory based on the expected path of the
>>>>>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>>>>>> build file
>>>>>>>>>>>> galaxy@ip-10-110-143-10:/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy
>>>>>>>>>>>> /u
>>>>>>>>>>>> ti
>>>>>>>>>>>> l$
>>>>>>>>>>>> ls
>>>>>>>>>>>> aliaspickler.py   docutils_ext           heartbeat.py    json.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> odict.py           streamball.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> aliaspickler.pyc  docutils_template.txt  inflection.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> lrucache.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> odict.pyc          streamball.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> backports         expressions.py         inflection.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> lrucache.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitize_html.py   template.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> bunch.py          expressions.pyc        __init__.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> memdump.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> sanitize_html.pyc  template.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> bunch.pyc         hash_util.py           __init__.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> none_like.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> shed_util.py       topsort.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> debugging.py      hash_util.pyc          json.py
>>>>>>>>>>>> none_like.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>> shed_util.pyc      topsort.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>> ___________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
>>>>>>>>>>> in your mail client.  To manage your subscriptions to this
>>>>>>>>>>> and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.bx.psu.edu/
>>> <default.png>

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