Hey Neil,

  Just last week pull request 94 was accepted into galaxy-central that
direct upload of files to history (without needing a URL). The python
bioblend (https://github.com/afgane/bioblend) API client does not yet
have it but it would be relatively easy to add, you will want to look
at upload_file_from_local_path in the libraries client as a template
for how to attach file data to the request and then add a method to a
new tools client to target that API.

 The blend4j (https://github.com/jmchilton/blend4j) Java API does
implement direct uploads to histories. Here is some pseudo-code to
demonstrate the API calls:

import com.github.jmchilton.blend4j.galaxy.*;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import java.io.File;

class UploadTest {
 GalaxyInstance instance = GalaxyInstanceFactory.get(url, apiKey);

 public void testUpload() {
    ToolsClient client = instance.getToolsClient();
    final String historyId = getTestHistoryId();
    final File testFile = TestHelpers.getTestFile();
    final ClientResponse clientResponse =
client.fileUploadRequest(historyId, "txt", "?", testFile);
    assert clientResponse.getStatus() == 200 :

  private String getTestHistoryId() {
    final History testHistory = new History();
    testHistory.setName("Upload Test History");
    final History newHistory =
    final String historyId = newHistory.getId();
    return historyId;


Hope this helps.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Jeremy Goecks <jeremy.goe...@emory.edu> wrote:
> This is the most recent thread on uploading files via the API; this approach
> uses a URL for uploading a dataset to the history:
> http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Uploading-to-history-via-JavaScript-td4657068.html
> In general, using the Galaxy Web search and/or mailing list search to see if
> your question has been discussed before is recommended because the mailing
> lists can act as a good documentation source.
> Finally, please direct all coding questions to the galaxy-dev list, not the
> galaxy-user list.
> Best,
> J.
> On Jan 13, 2013, at 8:25 PM, <neil.burd...@csiro.au> wrote:
> Hi,
>     It seems the API documentation is a bit scarce. I’d like to upload a
> file from the command line using the API rather than the GUI, but would like
> to see the file in the history. Does anyone have any information how to do
> this/ any tools that are available.
> Thanks
> Neil
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