Hi Peter,

As you discovered, repository dependency definitions are currently supported 
within a single tool shed.  This is a temporary restriction, however, and is 
simply due to time / resource constraints.  The following section of the tool 
shed wiki communicates this.


Repository dependencies: defining additional required repositories and 
repository contents

Repositories in the tool shed can contain a file named 
repository_dependencies.xml that defines dependency relationships between 
repositories.  Repository dependency definitions are currently supported only 
within the same tool shed.  In other words, a repository in a local tool shed 
cannot require a repository in the main Galaxy tool shed.  Support for 
repository dependencies across tool sheds will be available some time in the 

Greg Von Kuster

On Feb 22, 2013, at 9:23 AM, Peter Cock wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've just hit what I consider to be a bug, but may be a design
> choice which I don't yet understand: It appears that repository
> dependencies cannot refer to other Tool Sheds.
> As an example, I want to explore some more complicated
> dependency work in my Blast2GO wrapper (I'd like it to be
> able to download the underlying Java tool automatically).
> I therefore started by uploading the previous releases to the
> Test Tool Shed,
> http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/peterjc/blast2go -->
> http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/peterjc/blast2go -->
> The Blast2GO wrapper requires the 'blastxml' format, which
> is declared via a repository_dependencies.xml file as follows:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <repositories description="This requires the BLAST datatype
> definitions (e.g. the BLAST XML format).">
> <!-- Revision 4:f9a7783ed7b6 on the main tool shed is v0.0.14 which
> added BLAST databases -->
> <repository toolshed="http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu";
> name="blast_datatypes" owner="devteam"
> changeset_revision="f9a7783ed7b6" />
> </repositories>
> Unfortunately, uploading versions of the Blast2GO wrapper with
> this definition (which points at the main tool shed) to the test
> tool shed results in this error message:
> repository_dependencies.xml - Repository dependencies are currently
> supported only within the same tool shed. Ignoring repository
> dependency definition for tool shed http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu,
> name blast_datatypes, owner devteam, changeset revision f9a7783ed7b6.
> Given the idea of an ecosystem of Tool Sheds, with some
> groups maintaining their own local Tool Shed and perhaps
> publishing tools there, it seems likely we will need to be
> able to define dependencies on other tool sheds - and in
> particularly the main tool shed at Penn State which I see
> having a hub-like role. But right now, that doesn't work.
> Is this a short term limitation (since cross-Tool Shed
> dependencies are bound to be more complex to support),
> or a deliberate policy?
> Thanks,
> Peter
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