On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Alexandre Loywick <a.loyw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi galaxians,
> I'm having an issue with tool parameters when using conditional tag and
> boolean parameters.
> My xml is like this:
> <conditional name="mis_allowed_conditional">
>     <param name="mis_allowed_bool" type="boolean" label="Allow mismatch ?"
> truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" checked="no"/>
>     <when value="-m">
>         <param name="mis_allowed" type="float" value="0"/>
>     </when>
> </conditional>
> and my command line is like:
> <command interpreter="python">wrapper.py
> $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed_bool
> $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed</command>
> The problem is when mis_allowed_bool isn't checked, I don't have any
> arguments in my command line (as expected).
> But, when it is checked, $mis_allowed_conditional.mis_allowed_bool is set to
> "True" and not to "-m".
> The strange thing is that the "mis_allowed" textfield is visible when
> mis_allowed_bool is checked so I guess that the when behaves as expected.
> Moreover, other boolean parameters that are not nested in a conditional work
> as they should.
> Is there something wrong with my xml or is this some kind of bug?

It sounds similar to a an old bug which was fixed in June 2011,
BitBucket Issue 393: Can't use checkbox (boolean) with conditional parameters
https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/issue/393/ [DEAD LINK]

I can't find the matching entry on Trello though... so maybe
only open issues were migrated?

The workaround was to use a select with two options.

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