Quick followup on this one -- had you manually tweaked this workflow prior
to upload?  I see all of the tool identifiers are the short form 'signalp3'
and not the long-form toolshed included versions.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Dannon Baker <dannon.ba...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Peter,
> I've reproduced this here, thanks.  Unfortunately this got missed
> previously, once we had the import itself working.  To be clear, though,
> the workflow itself is still completely functional, imports and runs, and
> the only issue is the inability to view the svg?
> I think what's causing this is that generate_workflow_image uses
> completely separate workflow modules which didn't have my previous fixes
> applied.  This should be refactored so we don't have duplicated code
> sitting around, but I'll go ahead and patch it to get it working again
> shortly.
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.c...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Dannon,
>> I'm seeing a problem which seems very similar to the one Bjoern
>> had back in June with the same workflow (which appeared to have
>> been fixed according to the old IUC thread "Workflow import is not
>> working").
>> This server is running the current galaxy-dist release,
>> $ sudo -u galaxy hg head
>> changeset:   10411:c42567f43aa7
>> tag:         tip
>> user:        greg
>> date:        Mon Aug 19 13:19:56 2013 -0400
>> summary:     Filter invalid objects when generating the list of
>> repository_dependencies objects that are associated with a tool shed
>> repository installed into Galaxy.
>> changeset:   10408:6822f41bc9bb
>> branch:      stable
>> parent:      10393:d05bf67aefa6
>> user:        Dave Bouvier <d...@bx.psu.edu>
>> date:        Mon Aug 19 13:06:17 2013 -0400
>> summary:     Fix for case where running functional tests might
>> overwrite certain files in database/files.
>> I have just installed this workflow repository with its dependencies
>> (some of where I had previously installed via the Tool Shed). Most
>> of the tools were actually already manually installed but have been
>> commented out in my tool_conf.xml file:
>> http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/peterjc/secreted_protein_workflow/606da4e1d925
>> Installation appeared to be successful, so I wanted to import the
>> workflow into Galaxy. I clicked on the workflow and expected to
>> see an SVG of the workflow and the import action to be available.
>> In the browser I saw:
>> <quote>
>> Find secreted proteins with TMHMM and SignalP
>> (this page displays SVG graphics)
>> Internal Server Error
>> Galaxy was unable to sucessfully complete your request
>> An error occurred.
>> This may be an intermittent problem due to load or other unpredictable
>> factors, reloading the page may address the problem.
>> The error has been logged to our team.
>> </quote>
>> On the terminal I have:
>> - - [21/Aug/2013:11:14:18 +0100] "GET
>> /galaxy/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>> "http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
>> 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0"
>> - - [21/Aug/2013:11:14:26 +0100] "GET
>> /galaxy/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories?async=false&sort=name&page=1&show_item_checkboxes=false&operation=manage_repository&id=eede92f8a72bf85d&f-deleted=False
>> HTTP/1.1" 302 -
>> "http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories";
>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101
>> Firefox/22.0"
>> - - [21/Aug/2013:11:14:26 +0100] "GET
>> /galaxy/admin_toolshed/manage_repository?sort=name&f-deleted=False&async=false&show_item_checkboxes=false&id=eede92f8a72bf85d&page=1
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>> "http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories";
>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101
>> Firefox/22.0"
>> - - [21/Aug/2013:11:14:40 +0100] "GET
>> /galaxy/admin_toolshed/view_workflow?repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>> "
>> http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/manage_repository?sort=name&f-deleted=False&async=false&show_item_checkboxes=false&id=eede92f8a72bf85d&page=1
>> "
>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101
>> Firefox/22.0"
>> - - [21/Aug/2013:11:14:41 +0100] "GET
>> /galaxy/admin_toolshed/generate_workflow_image?repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50
>> HTTP/1.1" 500 -
>> "
>> http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/view_workflow?repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50
>> "
>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101
>> Firefox/22.0"
>> Error - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>: 'header_lines'
>> URL:
>> http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/generate_workflow_image?repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/middleware/error.py',
>> line 149 in __call__
>>   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/eggs/Paste-',
>> line 84 in __call__
>>   return self.application(environ, start_response)
>> File
>> '/opt/galaxy-dist/eggs/Paste-',
>> line 633 in __call__
>>   return self.application(environ, start_response)
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 132 in
>> __call__
>>   return self.handle_request( environ, start_response )
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 190 in
>> handle_request
>>   body = method( trans, **kwargs )
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/__init__.py', line 221
>> in decorator
>>   return func( self, trans, *args, **kwargs )
>> File
>> '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/admin_toolshed.py',
>> line 310 in generate_workflow_image
>>   return workflow_util.generate_workflow_image( trans, workflow_name,
>> repository_metadata_id=None, repository_id=repository_id )
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/util/workflow_util.py', line 215
>> in generate_workflow_image
>>   module_data_inputs = get_workflow_data_inputs( step, module )
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/util/workflow_util.py', line 317
>> in get_workflow_data_inputs
>>   return module.get_data_inputs()
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/util/workflow_util.py', line 111
>> in get_data_inputs
>>   galaxy.tools.parameters.visit_input_values( self.tool.inputs,
>> self.state.inputs, callback )
>> File '/opt/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/__init__.py', line
>> 37 in visit_input_values
>>   input_values[input.name],
>> KeyError: 'header_lines'
>> CGI Variables
>> -------------
>> 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
>>   HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'gzip, deflate'
>>   HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: 'en-gb,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3'
>>   HTTP_CONNECTION: 'Keep-Alive'
>> 'galaxysession=fed9265fae01dfd8cf547ef38763dabd7ff6f6411d862840f8437fd67320a093efca06cca1fc50e9'
>>   HTTP_DNT: '1'
>>   HTTP_HOST: 'ppcollab'
>> '
>> http://ppcollab/galaxy/admin_toolshed/view_workflow?repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50
>> '
>>   HTTP_USER_AGENT: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8;
>> rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0'
>>   PATH_INFO: '/admin_toolshed/generate_workflow_image'
>> 'repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50'
>>   REMOTE_ADDR: ''
>>   SCRIPT_NAME: '/galaxy'
>>   SERVER_PORT: '8080'
>> WSGI Variables
>> --------------
>>   application: <paste.recursive.RecursiveMiddleware object at 0xb3994d0>
>>   is_api_request: False
>>   paste.cookies: (<SimpleCookie:
>> galaxysession='fed9265fae01dfd8cf547ef38763dabd7ff6f6411d862840f8437fd67320a093efca06cca1fc50e9'>,
>> 'galaxysession=fed9265fae01dfd8cf547ef38763dabd7ff6f6411d862840f8437fd67320a093efca06cca1fc50e9')
>>   paste.expected_exceptions: [<class
>> 'paste.httpexceptions.HTTPException'>]
>>   paste.httpexceptions: <paste.httpexceptions.HTTPExceptionHandler
>> object at 0xb399490>
>>   paste.httpserver.thread_pool: <paste.httpserver.ThreadPool object at
>> 0x53ce0d0>
>>   paste.parsed_querystring: ([('repository_id', 'eede92f8a72bf85d'),
>> ('workflow_name',
>> 'eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810:46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50')],
>> 'repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50')
>>   paste.recursive.forward: <paste.recursive.Forwarder from /galaxy>
>>   paste.recursive.include: <paste.recursive.Includer from /galaxy>
>>   paste.recursive.include_app_iter: <paste.recursive.IncluderAppIter
>> from /galaxy>
>>   paste.recursive.script_name: '/galaxy'
>>   paste.throw_errors: True
>>   request_id: '7e2437a60a4a11e3b07b000c290c0d9f'
>>   webob._parsed_query_vars: (MultiDict([('repository_id',
>> 'eede92f8a72bf85d'), ('workflow_name',
>> 'eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810:46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50')]),
>> 'repository_id=eede92f8a72bf85d&workflow_name=eef2c509eb9672ca81f4797561cfd5804652c810%3A46696e642073656372657465642070726f7465696e73207769746820544d484d4d20616e64205369676e616c50')
>>   wsgi process: 'Multithreaded'
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> (My intention was to update this workflow to use Tool Shed style
>> tool identifiers, instead of the current Tool identifiers is has now
>> from manually installed versions of the tools).
>> Regards,
>> Peter
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