On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Kandalaft, Iyad
<iyad.kandal...@agr.gc.ca> wrote:
> Dannon & John,
> Thank you for your feedback.  I agree that documentation is a good start.
> I’m still in the process of figuring out what actually happens to the
> database schema.  It may be completely fine with no referential integrity
> constraints, which I’m okay with to some degree (we’re still in the infancy
> stages with Galaxy).  I find it odd that these referential integrity errors
> popped up “all of a sudden” because I don’t recall noticing these errors
> when I first installed galaxy/initialized the database.  I did move the
> database to the new version of MySQL, where InnoDB is the default and
> referencing primary keys on a MyISAM table caused the problem.
> As a side note, I would be interested to know your reasons for avoiding a
> hardcoded mysql engine.  If galaxy depends on referential integrity (not
> that I am assuming it does), then setting the MySQL engine to Memory or
> MyISAM would be disastrous.  Also, do you see any distinct advantages to
> using MyISAM for galaxy?

Well there have never been any reports of anyone having problems with
MyISAM in particular - its the switch here that seems to be the
problem as far as I can tell. If I had to venture a guess as to why no
one has complained about non-InnoDB engines - I would say the
referential integrity constraints are never violated by the statements
that the ORM generates - so they are a nice to have backup primary
protection - but are not strictly required.

Certainly, if one has to use MySQL and has a choice I would recommend
InnoDB for most interesting applications and Galaxy in particular, but
*IF* we forced it we would break existing Galaxy installations using
MyISAM right? If one did not have to worry about breaking Galaxy
installations - I think a majority of the devteam would like drop
support for MySQL entirely (and I think our recommendation of Postgres
is unanimous).

If anyone out there has tired using Galaxy with strictly MyISAM tables
and found it untenable - by all means please chime in.


> Regards,
> Iyad Kandalaft
> Microbial Biodiversity Bioinformatics
> Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
> 960 Carling Ave.| 960 Ave. Carling
> Ottawa, ON| Ottawa (ON) K1A 0C6
> E-mail Address / Adresse courriel  iyad.kandal...@agr.gc.ca
> Telephone | Téléphone 613-759-1228
> Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-759-1701
> Teletypewriter | Téléimprimeur 613-773-2600
> Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
> From: Dannon Baker [mailto:dannon.ba...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:23 AM
> To: John Chilton
> Cc: Kandalaft, Iyad; galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu
> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Galaxy updated botched?
> Hey Iyad,
> I just want to second (and add slightly) to what John said here.  I had also
> failed to reproduce this locally, but that makes perfect sense now -- I'm
> glad you figured it out, and thanks for looking into this so closely and
> reporting back.
> Like John said, I wouldn't modify the migrations to force or assume a
> particular engine, but if you wanted to make a contribution to the code base
> it would probably be worth improving the detection and reporting of this
> particular error condition to help anyone else who might run into the issue
> -- if you wanted to take a stab at that.
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:08 AM, John Chilton <jmchil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Spent a couple hours yesterday trying to track down this - I was not
> getting anywhere though and I see why now.
> Well this definitely an unfortunate situation - but I think
> documentation improvements are the right fix not enforcing the engine
> type in sqlalchemy migrations. For one, I don't think we can assume a
> particular engine type because different deployers may already going
> to have both kinds out there right?
> I think it would be better to update the wiki to encourage InnoDB for
> all new installations and warn this can happen for MySQL upgrades.
> Is this okay?
> Sorry about this.
> -John
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Kandalaft, Iyad
> <iyad.kandal...@agr.gc.ca> wrote:
>> This is a follow up for those that are interested with regards to my
>> failed
>> schema upgrade.
>> I believe I have determined why all the tables are set to use the MyISAM
>> engine.  When I initialized galaxy on our enterprise servers, they were
>> running a dated version of CentOS. Hence, the OS defaults to a dated MySQL
>> version.  MySQL only switched to using InnoDB (over MyISAM) as the default
>> engine in version 5.5.  If I’m not mistaken, I initialized galaxy in MySQL
>> 5.1 without changing the default engine to InnoDB (big mistake).  Due to
>> my
>> ignorance, I will now have to try to compare v118 of our database with a
>> new
>> install of galaxy running schema v118.  Then, I will try “migrating” to
>> the
>> true schema state without destroying the data.
>> I do feel that I should still modify the galaxy schema to set the MySQL
>> engine to InnoDB to thwart problems like this for other unsuspecting
>> users.
>> If anyone can point me at some documentation about how Galaxy schema
>> changes
>> should occur in this case, that would be great.
>> As per my previous comment, I’m not certain whether I would edit all
>> schema
>> versions to ensure table definitions include the mysql_engine=InnoDB
>> attribute or whether using a DDL event in SQLAlchemy.  I suspect that
>> setting this option globally would mean that future developers don’t need
>> to
>> remember to define mysql_engine on every new table.
>> Iyad Kandalaft
>> Microbial Biodiversity Bioinformatics
>> Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
>> 960 Carling Ave.| 960 Ave. Carling
>> Ottawa, ON| Ottawa (ON) K1A 0C6
>> E-mail Address / Adresse courriel  iyad.kandal...@agr.gc.ca
>> Telephone | Téléphone 613-759-1228
>> Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-759-1701
>> Teletypewriter | Téléimprimeur 613-773-2600
>> Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
>> From: Kandalaft, Iyad
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:39 PM
>> To: 'galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu'
>> Subject: Re: Galaxy updated botched?
>> Hi Everyone,
>> This is follow-up information/questions to the issue I ran into with the
>> galaxy June 2nd, 2014 update.  I hope to receive feedback on how to
>> proceed.
>> Background:
>> -          Running Galaxy (DB Schema 118) with a MySQL 5.5 back-end
>> -          When updating galaxy to the june 2nd release, the v120 DB
>> schema
>> has referential integrity constraints, which produced errors during the
>> upgrade.
>> -          Completed two galaxy updates in the past 4 months without
>> encountering this before (schema changes included)
>> Discussion:
>> In the past, referential integrity in the DB schema was never an issue.  I
>> checked backups and the current database to find that the database tables
>> are using the MyISAM engine.  MyISAM =  no referential integrity support,
>> no
>> transactions.
>> I reviewed galaxy’s SQLAlchemy templates and determined that
>> mysql_engine='InnoDB' isn’t set on tables.  This explains why all tables
>> were created with the MyISAM engine.  If the mysql_engine is not innodb,
>> SQL
>> Alchemy is supposed to drop any referential integrity constraints defined
>> in
>> the schema.  What I don’t understand is why SQL Alchemy is no longer
>> ignoring the referential integrity constraints.
>> Going forward, can anyone propose how I can salvage the database or
>> continue
>> ignoring referential integrity for now?
>> Assuming that my limited understanding of SQLAlchemy holds water, I was
>> looking at fixing the galaxy code base but I need some clarification on
>> the
>> DB schema versioning.  Do I edit schema v1 and add the appropriate table
>> args to make every table an innodb engine table or do I add a new schema
>> and
>> modify all tables to use the innodb engine?  Alternatively, I can use DDL
>> events
>> def after_create(target, connection, **kw):
>>     connection.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ENGINE=InnoDB;
>>    (target.name, target.name))
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Regards,
>> Iyad Kandalaft
>> Bioinformatics Application Developer
>> Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
>> KW Neatby Bldg | éd. KW Neatby
>> 960 Carling Ave| 960, avenue Carling
>> Ottawa, ON | Ottawa (ON) K1A 0C6
>> E-mail Address / Adresse courriel: iyad.kandal...@agr.gc.ca
>> Telephone | Téléphone 613- 759-1228
>> Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-759-1701
>> Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
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