On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 4:14 AM, Loraine Guéguen
<loraine.gueg...@sb-roscoff.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have investigated the testing possibilities within a Galaxy local instance
> and within a toolshed. I met some difficulties and I have 4 questions listed
> below.
> 1- Tests on tools installed in a local Galaxy instance (with run_tests.sh) :
> It seems that it is only possible to test the tools that have been manually
> installed (run_test.sh -id ...), not the tools that have been installed
> through a toolshed. Is that true ? When I try to launch the tests of a
> toolshed installed tool, I have the following error message :
> #########
> Failure: ValueError (No such test TestForTool_sartools_edger) ... ERROR
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: Failure: ValueError (No such test TestForTool_sartools_edger)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/projet/htdocs/galaxy-dev/galaxy-dist/eggs/nose-0.11.1-py2.7.egg/nose/failure.py",
> line 39, in runTest
>     raise self.exc_class(self.exc_val)
> ValueError: No such test TestForTool_sartools_edger
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 1 test in 0.002s
> FAILED (errors=1)

./run_tests.sh -installed runs the tests of all installed tool shed
tools. It might be possible to combine that with -id - for a specific
tool but I am not sure. It may be possible to construct that test even
if -id doesn't work - but it is probably pretty hacky. Let me know if
-installed works for you but not when combined with -id and we can
work out the details.

> #########
> 2- Tests on tools installed in a local Galaxy instance (with run_tests.sh) :
> Is it possible to test tools which have repository or tool dependencies ? I
> have a tool (manually installed in galaxy-dist/tools/) with a dependence to
> a datatype installed from a toolshed. The datatype (no_unzip.zip) is defined
> in the <param> input tag (in <test>) with attribute "ftype". When running
> run_tests.sh, it seems that the dataype is not known :
> #########
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_tool_000001 (functional.test_toolbox.TestForTool_sartools_edger)
> SARTools edgeR ( sartools_edger ) > Test-2
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line
> 268, in test_tool
>     self.do_it( td )
>   File
> "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line
> 37, in do_it
>     stage_data_in_history( galaxy_interactor, testdef.test_data(),
> test_history, shed_tool_id )
>   File "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/base/interactor.py", line
> 36, in stage_data_in_history
>     upload_waits.append( galaxy_interactor.stage_data_async( test_data,
> history, shed_tool_id ) )
>   File "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/base/interactor.py", line
> 182, in stage_data_async
>     raise Exception(submit_response)
> Exception: {u'message': {u'type': u'error', u'data': {u'file_type': u"An
> invalid option was selected for file_type, u'no_unzip.zip', please verify.",
> u'files_metadata': [u"An invalid option was selected for file_type,
> u'no_unzip.zip', please verify."]}}}
> #########

It is possible it is the case that tool shed datatypes are not loaded
unless running with the -installed flag.  I would either setup the
tests to run locally (manually add datatypes and tools) or run
installed tools with -installed.

> 3- Toolshed Install and Test framework (
> install_and_test_tool_shed_repositories.sh) : For my tool, the test fails if
> I don't explicitely defined the dbkey attribute to "unknown" (dbkey="?") in
> the <param> input tag (in <test>). The default dbkey value seems to be
> "hg17" (whereas hg17 is not defined on the server running my toolshed). So I
> have the following error message if I don't add dbkey="?" in <test> :
> #########
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_tool_000001
> (functional.test_toolbox.TestForTool_galaxy4loraine:9009/repos/lgueguen/sartools_1_0_2/sartools_edger/20150209)
> SARTools edgeR (
> galaxy4loraine:9009/repos/lgueguen/sartools_1_0_2/sartools_edger/20150209 )
>> Test-2
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line
> 268, in test_tool
>     self.do_it( td )
>   File
> "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line
> 37, in do_it
>     stage_data_in_history( galaxy_interactor, testdef.test_data(),
> test_history, shed_tool_id )
>   File "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/base/interactor.py", line
> 36, in stage_data_in_history
>     upload_waits.append( galaxy_interactor.stage_data_async( test_data,
> history, shed_tool_id ) )
>   File "/w/galaxy/galaxy4loraine/galaxy-dist/test/base/interactor.py", line
> 182, in stage_data_async
>     raise Exception(submit_response)
> Exception: {u'message': {u'type': u'error', u'data': {u'dbkey': u"An invalid
> option was selected for dbkey, u'hg17', please verify."}}}
> #########

Well that is frustrating. I am not aware of the internals of that
script or why that is happening - but my personal recommendation would
be not to use the install and test framework at this point - it seems
rather un-maintained. I recently added a subcommnd to planemo called
- that will install and test a tool shed repository. It probably
requires modifying your tool shed development process to use planemo

> 4- Is it possible to launch the tests against an external server ? That
> would be very useful to be able run the tests on a production Galaxy
> instance in order to test the tools in real condition, within the whole
> environment.

This would be great - but as I understand it - it is not possible at
this time. The test framework needs local access to some aspects of
the Galaxy app. Last year I outlined a Trello card to add this option
back to Galaxy (https://trello.com/c/8K86l4Qk) - it was available
years ago.

> Thanks in advance for your answers.
> Loraine
> --
> Loraine Guéguen
> Plateforme ABiMS (Analyses and Bioinformatics for Marine Sciences)
> Service Informatique et Bioinformatique
> Station Biologique de Roscoff
> Place Georges Teissier
> CS 90074
> 29688 Roscoff cedex
> tel: ++33 (0)2 98 29 56 46 (interne : 415)
> http://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/
> http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/
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