
My question is to the docker-galaxy-stable community. I would like to use
or extend this image with some Galaxy settings externalized. For instance,
I would like to define my own GALAXY_UID and GALAXY_HOME environment
variables. I have tried the -e setting when I build and run the container,
but that doesn't work:

> docker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 8021:21 -e "GALAXY_UID=1777" -e
"GALAXY_HOME=/home/galaxy/env_test" --name galaxy-env-test
> docker exec -ti  galaxy-env-test bash
># getent passwd galaxy
galaxy:x:1450:1450:Galaxy user:/home/galaxy:

 As you can see from above, GALAXY_UID is 1450, as hardcoded in the
Dockerfile, and not 1777, as I've specified. Same goes for the home

Is there any other way that I can set those variables? If not, what would
be the best way to proceed, since, ideally, I would like to extend the
galaxy-stable Docker image, and not change the existing one. Currently, I
don't see any other way but to fork
https://github.com/bgruening/docker-galaxy-stable and change the Dockerfile
to externalize those (and other) variables. I hope I can get better
suggestions than this.

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