Yes, you can still use the framework to create interactive python-only
visualizations. The simplest way to do this is form-based interaction.

1. The visualization mako page renders a form that contains the options the
user can choose from
2. The user chooses and submits the form
3. Galaxy will re-render the visualization mako and now, since those
options are passed as parameters, the chosen visualization can be rendered

So you can render the form with your options:
%if not query.get( 'param2', None ):
## initial render of form
    <input name="param2" />
    <input name="param3" />
    <input name="param4" />
    <button type="submit">Draw</button>
## second render drawing with param2

Note: this will default to a GET based form whose 'action' url will be the
visualization's url. Any html5 form based controls will work: radio
buttons, ranges, etc.

When the user submits the form, each of the params, will now be part of the
query string when the mako renders the second time:

You can then use these params to call your python code with the user chosen
arg2 = query.get( 'param2', default )
arg3 = query.get( 'param3', ...

from draw import main
returned = main( arg2, arg3, ... )

${ returned }
(or something similar)

Other things that may help?:

   - you can use action="post" if you want to post data instead of get -
   handy for larger parameters
   - try to not bootstrap/load all your data into the mako file as this
   will be re-fetched everytime the form is re-submitted
   - you can add the arg2, arg3, etc. params to the config file and the
   registry will parse those for you and put them in the template's 'config'
   variable, e.g.: int_param2 = config.param2
   - when using these query/form parameters you can now save/generate urls
   that will auto-start your visualizations since all the configuration
   options are sent in the url

Let me know if I can give more info or that doesn't end up working.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Anne Claire Fouilloux <> wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> Yes I have a python code to manipulate and draw the data (it creates svg
> files and I wish to add this visualization tool to my galaxy instance:
> Let's say my composite datatype contains 3 files:
> -file1.dat
> -file2.dat
> -file3.dat
> My python code takes 4 arguments (for instance arg1 arg2 arg3
> arg4).
> arg1: The first argument is a path giving the location of these 3 files.
> arg2, arg3 and arg4 are list of options. These lists are dynamic as they
> depend on the content of these 3 files.
> Once the user has selected some options, I have a "draw" button and would
> like the python script to be executed and generate a plot.
> Your answer was very helpful; at least it clarifies a number of things.
> Now I understood I can access to these files using hda.extra_files_path in
> my mako file:
> <%
> composite_file_path=hda.extra_files_path + '/' + date + '/'
> %>
> Which is helpful to generate my select buttons (for arg2, arg3 and arg4)
> as I fist need to read the content of these files for the generation of
> these buttons.
> I still need to call my python script with the option chosen by the user.
> Is it something I can easily do with galaxy?
> Thanks,
> Anne.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Carl Eberhard <>
> *Sent:* 18 August 2015 18:59
> *To:* Anne Claire Fouilloux
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [galaxy-dev] new visualization tool for composite datatype?
> Hi, Anne
> Can you be more specific about how you'd like to visualize the files? It
> sounds like you've already got a tool that will build an html file which is
> the classic way to make visualizations with galaxy.
> Now you'd like to make it more interactive? Do you already have javascript
> or python code that will be used to manipulate or draw the data? The
> visualization registry will help you link a user's data to your
> visualization code but will not create the code that does the rendering or
> interaction.
> Aside from that, if you know the structure and filenames of your
> composite's extra files directory, currently you can access those files
> using:
> api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{content_id}/display?filename=<some
> file>
> The meme type will be guessed based on the extension generally and more
> complex paths can also be specified using the filename parameter.
> So, for example, if I have a FastQC Html composite file with an extra
> files path of:
> database/files/000/dataset_83_files
> And within that directory, fastqc makes an additional subdirectory:
> sample1_fastqc/Icons
> sample1_fastqc/Images
> sample1_fastqc/summary.txt
> I can fetch the summary.txt file (with the 'text/plain' memetype) using:
> api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{content_id}/display?filename=sample1_fastqc/summary.txt
> Let me know if that wasn't the info you were after or I misunderstood the
> question.
> Carl
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Anne Claire Fouilloux <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I created a new composite datatype (class derived from Html class)
>> myDatatype and I sucessfully use it in a new created tool.
>> When I click on "View data" it shows my Html file with a list of binary
>> files and everything is Ok.
>> Now I would like to Visualize my data. I created a new directory in
>> galaxy-dist/config/plugins/visualizations/ following instructions given
>> at
>> and read
>> and
>> However, I still don't understand what I should do to be able to access
>> files from my composite datatype to be able to visualize myDatatype (I mean
>> I need to visualize the files containing in the directory listed by the
>> html file).
>> Is it possible? Where can I find some information on how to do it?
>> Thanks,
>> Anne.
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