On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Fernandez Edgar
<edgar.fernan...@umontreal.ca> wrote:
> Hello Björn,
> Thank you for answering!
> When I installed Prokka from the Galaxy ToolShed, all the dependencies were 
> installed too.
> tbl2asn is one of those dependencies...
> How would I replace it?
> Cordialement / Regards,
> Edgar Fernandez

The way the NCBI deliberately make tbl2asn expire is very
annoying for packaging and breaks strict reproducibility :(

I think Bjoern was suggesting manually updating the copy of tbl2asn
which the Tool Shed had downloaded (as a quick short term solution).
You'd need to find this file within the Tool Shed dependencies folder...

Philip - can you update package_tbl2asn_23_7 or add a new
package if the version number has changed? Or would you like
the IUC group to look after this in future?


Nicola - once that's done, can you update the prokka dependency
list - or would that fall to your old colleagues at CRS4?


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