Hi John,

Thanks for your comments. Upload was just a tool that I picked to test my initial install, I hadn't installed any tools into the galaxy instance at that time. I set it up to use a shared directory and it is working fine now.

One of the goals for this second Galaxy instance at UGA is to isolate the Galaxy installation directory from the shared (cluster wide) storage. Whenever we have a shared storage issue the Galaxy web interface seems to slowdown considerably.

The operating system that is running Galaxy is the latest Ubuntu LTS release (Ubuntu seems to be a lot easier to deal with than CentOS 5.x), our cluster is running CentOS 5.x. I am in the process of figuring out how to install tools and their tool dependencies automatically so that the dependencies are compiled on the CentOS machine rather than the Ubuntu machine. Any suggestions?


On 09/25/2015 01:15 PM, John Chilton wrote:
Depending on how you set things up - either Galaxy, Nginx, or Apache
are creating a file for the upload that is incoming - in the above
case I imagine it is this file -
/home/galaxy/wkdir/galaxy/database/tmp/tmpp6j83l. This file is outside
of Galaxy's data model for tools and jobs - it is just a free floating
file in some ways - so the Pulsar client doesn't know it needs to
transfer it or how to modify the job description to handle it. It is
kind of a very special case for data source tools.

Stepping back a minute, the upload tool is an odd thing to run with
pulsar, it would basically need to send a file to pulsar server,
pulsar would run a very lightweight script that wouldn't modify the
file at all, and then send the same file back to Galaxy with some
metadata. It will really slow down uploads to do them this way I think
- if at all possibly you should try to run this tool closer to Galaxy
or at least not transfer the file (if it is on a shared directory or

Hacking up Galaxy to find these uploaded files would be possible and I
think I would merge a PR to implement that, but it is such a
particular use case (upload shouldn't probably be running on disk that
isn't shared with Galaxy) that I don't think it is worth the effort of
implementing this right now.

Is this fair? Can you find some shared disk to use for these paths -


On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Raj Ayyampalayam<ra...@uga.edu>  wrote:

I am setting up a new instance of Galaxy (based on the latest dev branch on
github repo) configured to submit the jobs to a remote cluster via pulsar.
I used the usegalaxy playbook to get the configuration parameters for the
galaxy job_conf.xml and pulsar app.yml files.
I was partially successful in running the jobs via pulsar, the regular tools
(analysis tools, etc..) are running OK on the remote cluster.
I am having trouble getting the upload tool to run on the the remote

Here is the error I see in the galaxy error report for the job:
It looks like the upload tool running on the remote machine is trying to
access a file in the database/tmp area of the galaxy server machine.

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 430, in <module>
line 405, in __main__
     registry.load_datatypes( root_dir=sys.argv[1], config=sys.argv[2] )
line 94, in load_datatypes
     tree = galaxy.util.parse_xml( config )
line 178, in parse_xml
     root = tree.parse( fname, parser=ElementTree.XMLParser(
target=DoctypeSafeCallbackTarget() ) )
   File "/usr/local/python/2.7.8/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py",
line 647, in parse
     source = open(source, "rb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

I've created a Gist with the contents of job_conf.xml, app.yml, file action
file, error content athttps://gist.github.com/raj76/7be86f6a56714deef050  .

Any suggestions on how to debug this issue?


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