Hi Bob,

> Good morning Bjorn,
> The way I understand Galaxy is worksteps involve a tool using History
> inputs and creates History output files.   I view the results from
> the tool one click's on the eyeball to see the output file content.
> In following this same flow, I was trying to have my datatype display
> my heatmap when the user clicks on the eyeball after creating the
> history output file from the HM creation tool.

So the eyeall is trying to display the real data. If this is an image we
render the image, if it's a csv we try to visualise the tabular data.

If you want to visualise your data in a non-standard way, you can write
your own visualisations and append them to a specific datatype. For
example we added an interactive BAM visualisation.

Have a look at this video, to see a list of visualisations:


Sorry, have not found a better example. IPython is not a real
visualisation but uses the same menue.


> Similar to how one can display an image file or csv by clicking on
> the eyeball.
> Thanks again, bob
> ----- Original Message -----From: rbrown1422@comcast.netTo:
> Bj&ouml;rn Gr&uuml;ning <bjoern.gruen...@gmail.com>Sent: Sun, 06 Dec
> 2015 15:49:56 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] How does one
> create a viewer for a new datatype to display a webpage if eyeball is
> clicked?
> Good morning and thanks Bjorn,
> One question  on your statement ...This does not work with the
> eyeball, but with the visualization buttonassociated to every
> dataset.  How is this invoked so the dataset is displayed if not by
> the eyeball?
> Let me digest this info and hopefully I can take it from here.
> cheers, bob
> ----- Original Message -----From: Bj&ouml;rn Gr&uuml;ning
> <bjoern.gruen...@gmail.com>To: rbrown1...@comcast.net, galaxy-dev
> <galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>Sent: Fri, 04 Dec 2015 18:14:51
> -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] How does one create a viewer for
> a new datatype to display a webpage if eyeball is clicked?
> Hi Bob,
> you could write a special visualisation for your specific datatype.
> Thisdoes not work with the eyeball, but with the visualisation
> buttonassociated to every dataset.
> For a few visualisation examples please see the following links:
> *https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/tree/dev/config/plugins/visualizations*
> https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/master/visualisations*
> https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/VisualizationsRegistry/Cookbook
> Hope this gets you started!Bjoern
>> Good afternoon,> > I am trying create a display module for a
>> special binary datatype.> When someone requests to view the output
>> file in the History using> the eyeball it will kick off my code to
>> create an HTML display in the> Galaxy center section. I am looking
>> at binary.py but I am not sure> if this is it. Is there sample or
>> existing code to look at?> > I hope this makes sense to someone on
>> the team.> > Thanks, bob> > > >
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