
I am struggling with the FTP connection on our local instance.

I start ProFTPd for SHA1 like this:

$ service proftpd start #the conf file is below

   Notes: I had to do that as root, not possible as the non-root galaxy user
           ROOT PRIVS: unable to seteuid(): Operation not permitted
           -> is it possible to run proftpd as non-root?

The server run, but I am not able to connect with FTP -FileZilla 

   Log: Statut :         Résolution de l'adresse de localhost
         Statut :         Connexion à [::1]:2021...
         Statut :         Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED 
- Connexion refusée par le serveur", essai de l'adresse suivante.
         Statut :         Connexion à
         Statut :         Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "ECONNREFUSED 
- Connexion refusée par le serveur".
         Erreur :         Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur
         Statut :         Attente avant nouvel essai...
   Notes: The local instance doesn't have a proxy, I access it with ssh. (ssh 
-C -L 8081:localhost:8081 durandal).

Any ideas? Is it linked to the firewall?


$cat /etc/proftpd.conf

# Basics, some site-specific
ServerName                      "Public Galaxy FTP"
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on
Port                            21
Umask                           077
SyslogFacility                  DAEMON
SyslogLevel                     debug
MaxInstances                    30
# This User & Group should be set to the actual user and group name which 
matche the UID & GID you will specify later in the SQLNamedQuery.
User                            nobody
Group                           nobody
DisplayConnect                  /etc/opt/local/proftpd_welcome.txt

# Passive port range for the firewall
PassivePorts                    30000 40000

# Cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directory
DefaultRoot ~

# Automatically create home directory if it doesn't exist
CreateHome                      on dirmode 700

# Allow users to overwrite their files
AllowOverwrite                  on

# Allow users to resume interrupted uploads
AllowStoreRestart               on

# Bar use of SITE CHMOD

# Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop
<Limit RETR>

# Do not authenticate against real (system) users
AuthPAM                         off

# General database support (http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sql.html)
#SQL module
LoadModule mod_sql.c

# Support for base-64 or hex encoded MD5 and SHA1 passwords from SQL tables
# (contrib/mod_sql_passwd.html)
LoadModule mod_sql_passwd.c

# Postgresql support (requires proftpd-postgresql package)
# (http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sql.html)
LoadModule mod_sql_postgres.c

# set Authentication order
AuthOrder                       mod_sql.c

# Set this if Galaxy user UID and/or GID are less than 999
SQLMinID                        400

# Common SQL authentication options
SQLEngine                       on
SQLPasswordEngine               on
SQLBackend                      postgres
SQLConnectInfo                  postgres@localhost:5432 galaxyftp <dbpassword>
SQLAuthenticate                 users

# Set up mod_sql/mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded 
SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1
SQLPasswordEncoding             hex

# An empty directory in case chroot fails
#SQLDefaultHomedir              /var/opt/local/proftpd

# Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry. Replace 
512s with the UID and GID of the user running the Galaxy server
SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT 
FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"

Luc Cornet, PhD
Mycology and Aerobiology
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