Hello Musa,

I am forwarding this question to the mailing list so that someone better
qualified can help you.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Musa A. Hassan <mhas...@mit.edu> wrote:

> I am trying to use galaxy for the first time and am running into some early
> problems. While trying to upload my file which is basically a fq containing
> illumina short reads, the file won't upload. When I try the fastq extension
> of the same file, it does but then the file isn't recognized by the groomer
> hence it's like I have no file uploaded. Do you know how I can circumvent
> this problem.
> Musa Hassan, PhD
> Wellcome Trust-MIT Fellow
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Department of Biology, 68
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue,
> Cambridge, MA 02139
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