Hello Felix,

The tools under "NGS: QC and manipulation -> Generic FASTQ manipulation" should be able to help, in particular "Manipulate FASTQ reads on various attributes" will allow you to enter a regular expression that could trim poly-A tails (the same way a perl script could, for example). The tool has link to more documentation about how to construct expressions). Or, if you know the length of the insert sequence you want to retain, "Filter FASTA" would be a good choice.

Please give these a try and let us know if we can help more.


Galaxy team

On 2/23/11 4:34 AM, Felix Hammer wrote:
is there a way to clean fastq files (filter Poly-A etc.) with Galaxy?
Haven't found anything so far. Also if you generally know good tools plz
Have seen lots of stuff for fasta and qual files but not for fastq.

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