Sorry for the confusion - this was moved back to galaxy-dev.


----- Original Message -----
> This has been forwarded from galaxy-dev.
> -Scott
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "Scott McManus" <>
> To: "Daniel Patrick Sullivan" <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 4:46:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] PBS Server Throwing Errors
> Hi Dan-
> Thanks again for your great hospitality at UCI!
> It looks like you've done most of the sane things, and a quick
> check looks like the PBS egg is requesting protocol version 1
> while the server supports protocol version 2. One possibility
> is that there is a protocol mismatch, which could be the result
> of using an old library. We can check if the egg is at fault
> first - try the following link for compiling the
> egg yourself and try the example to see if the connection and
> a simple stats-gathering operation (the examples/
> script from pbs_python) works:
> -Scott
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Hi, Galaxy Community,
> > 
> > Greetings from The University of Chicago; I hope all who attended
> > the
> > Galaxy conference enjoyed it as much as I did.  I have searched the
> > mailing list archives as well as Google to a resolve problem I am
> > seeing, however I am somewhat at a loss as to the next course of
> > action I should be taking to bring this issue to a close.  I am
> > hoping
> > that one of the bright minds on this mailing list could help me
> >  shed
> > some light on the solution to my problem, or at least help me
> > identify
> > a root cause.  I have configured Galaxy to integrate with TORQUE
> > (version 4.0.2) server, and successfully built the PBS python egg
> > as
> > specified in the Galaxy documentation.  I am using Python version
> > 2.6
> > and the latest build of Galaxy.  Whenever I launch a job from the
> > Galaxy UI, I get the following error message(s) on the PBS server:
> > 
> > 07/30/2012
> > 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;dis_request_read;conflicting
> > version numbers, 1 detected, 2 expected
> > 07/30/2012 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;req_reject;Reject reply
> > code=15058(Bad DIS based Request Protocol MSG=cannot decode
> > message),
> > aux=0, type=AlternateUserAuthentication, from galaxy@
> > 07/30/2012
> > 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;dis_request_read;conflicting
> > version numbers, 1 detected, 2 expected
> > 07/30/2012 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;req_reject;Reject reply
> > code=15058(Bad DIS based Request Protocol MSG=cannot decode
> > message),
> > aux=0, type=QueueJob, from galaxy@
> > 07/30/2012
> > 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;dis_request_read;conflicting
> > version numbers, 1 detected, 2 expected
> > 07/30/2012 15:42:48;0080;PBS_Server;Req;req_reject;Reject reply
> > code=15058(Bad DIS based Request Protocol MSG=cannot decode
> > message),
> > aux=0, type=Disconnect, from galaxy@
> > 07/30/2012 15:43:01;0002;PBS_Server;Svr;PBS_Server;Torque Server
> > Version = 4.0.2, loglevel = 1
> > 
> > One thing I did notice, that suggests there might be a problem, is
> > that there is no hostname after the galaxy@; most of the other
> > messages in this log file have a host name appended to log entry,
> > i.e.:
> > 
> > 07/30/2012 15:43:38;0100;PBS_Server;Req;;Type StatusJob request
> > received from root@sc01, sock=10
> > 
> > I have completed a tcpdump on the schedule node, and I can
> > definitely
> > see bi-directional traffic between the Galaxy server and the
> > scheduler
> > node on TCP port 15001.  In addition to this, I have installed the
> > TORQUE client tools on on the Galaxy server, and can spawn an
> > interactive job with qsub -I, as well as check the status of queued
> > jobs using qstat (from the Galaxy server).  This suggests to me
> > that
> > there a potential problem with the PBS Egg, although I am not
> > certain.
> >  Has anybody seen something like this before, or could somebody
> >  point
> > me in the right direction?  We do have a support contract with
> > Adaptive Computing, and I am opening a ticket with them as well,
> > however I wanted to reach out to the Galaxy community to cover all
> > of
> > my bases.  Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my email.
> > 
> > Dan Sullivan
> > ___________________________________________________________
> > Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
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> > 
> >
> > 
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