On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Ted Goldstein <t...@soe.ucsc.edu> wrote:
> I  am developing several tools that will need to read and write multiple
> data files at once. For example, Eisen Cluster produces a  heatmap
> which consists of three files: a .cdt file,  .atr file and a gtr file which 
> are
> the underlying heatmap and the array tree and the gene tree.  All three
> files need to be kept together.  I guess I could wrap them in a zip file
> and pack and unpack them.    The heatmap is not just a view only
> object. Some tools, such as cuttree, would extract one tree and then
> aggregate genes (or arrays)  below a certain depth and create a new
> trio of files.  Is there support  for (or plans for creating) any aggregate
> data types?

Hi Ted,

There is support for composite datatypes, so this should be possible.

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