Hi Dave,

To export larger files, you can use a different method. Open up a terminal window on your computer and type in at the prompt ($):

$ curl -0 '<file_link>' > name_the_output

Where <file_link> can be obtained by right-clicking on the disc icon for the dataset and selecting "Copy link location".

If you are going to import into a local Galaxy, exporting entire histories, or a history comprised of datasets that you have copied/grouped together, may be a quick alternative. From the history panel, use "Options (gear icon) -> Export to File" to generate a link, then use curl again to perform the download. The "Import from File" function (in the same menu) can be used in your local Galaxy to incorporate the history and the datasets it contains.

Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you have more questions,

Galaxy team

On 10/17/12 2:37 PM, Dave Corney wrote:
Hi list,

Is there a currently a known problem with the "export to file" function?
I'm trying to migrate some data from the public galaxy to a private one;
the export function worked well with a small (~100mb) dataset, but it
has not been working with larger datasets (>2GB) and I get the error:
Server Error. An error occurred. See the error logs for more
information. (Turn debug on to display exception reports here). Is there
a limit on the file size of the export? If so, what is it?

Thanks in advance,

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Jennifer Jackson
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