Nov 04, 2013 Galaxy Distribution <>

*CompleteNews Brief <>*



   A/*security vulnerability*/with filter tools trapped and
   fixed:*Upgrade or Patch NOW


   Galaxy Tool Migration:48 tools migrated to Tool Shed
   a leaner distribution.


   Improvedtools for administrators
   verification, reports).


   The framework forTools
   and theCore
   been upgraded for performance and scalability.


   Come see! A whopping26 pull requests incorporated
   Many thanks to our open source community!


   NumerousTool Shed enhancements and upgrades
   Api,READMEs, Functional Tests, easier installs, and much much more.


   Plus enhancements toWorkflows
   <>, andBug
   <>. <> <>

new:       $ hg clone

upgrade:   $ hg pull
           $ hg update release_2013.11.04

/Thanks for using Galaxy!/

The Galaxy Team <>

Posted to theGalaxy News <>on 2013-11-04
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