Hi localizers, 

For the first time ever in the history of the all-in-one application 
suite, we'll be doing a fully localized official release with L10n 
builds for all major platforms when we'll be releasing SeaMonkey 2.0 
Beta 1 later this month. 

Please opt in for this release by following up to this thread, 
referencing your locale, and the revision from your locale's 
l10n-mozilla-1.9.1 repository. 

Even thought he strict L10n freeze is upcoming at July 14th 23:59 PDT 
only, we don't expect to see any L10n changes for the release any more 
(with the slight exception of one en-US accesskey correction that 
doesn't need a string ID change and so should be irrelevant to L10n). 

We expect to do builds soon after the L10n repo freeze date at Thursday, 
July 16th, 23:59 PDT (same as Thunderbird, by the way), but technically 
we can take any opt-in up to the actual start of the builds, so better 
try and post than miss the release. 

We will take all locales for Beta 1 that are in 
suite/locales/all-locales on comm-central, have opted in here, are green 
on sea20x on dashboard and pass a fast productization check (I know, we 
have never posted any firm rules for that, I'll just take a quick look 
that nothing too bad is going on, so don't fear it). 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. 


Robert Kaiser 

Frco. Javier Rial Rodríguez                                                    
Centro de Referencia e Servizos de Software Libre
Avda. de Vigo, s/n Campus 15705    Santiago de Compostela (Galiza/ES)
Tel/ Fax: (0034) 981 569 810/ 981 594 616        <fjrial at>

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