Hi again, Another small annoyance in my endeavours to use the embedder object

I am trying to embed an application into my form using the embedder object.
The embedding works fine (thanks to the bugfixes :=] ) but here is the
little annoyance

To be more specific, I'm trying to embed gparted into my form.
As you may or may not know, gparted takes a few seconds to load. This
is because it scans the system for drives and stuff, so there is a
delay from the fime the SHELL command is executed and the time the
application really shows up on the desktop

This is a problem for me (at least now) because my embedder is looking
for the application, and sometimes it times out

so I need help ... I need a way to make my sub WAIT just enough to let
gparted load
I can't use the WAIT argument on the SHELL like, because then it'll
never get embedded

any ideas how I might accomplish this?

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