Still trying to convert a Gambas1 app to Gambas2. Basically, it begins 
to run. However, there are strange error message at some points, and I 
do not understand what causes them.

1. This line

po = links.Find(wert[8], gb.Language)

results in "Bad string conversion". Strange to me, as I do not see any 
conversion here.

2. Here "Maske" is a tabstrip. First it is checked that it has enough 
tabs. Then the "current" tab is set.

IF CInt(wert[0]) > Maske.Count THEN Maske.Count = CInt(wert[0])
Maske.Index = CInt(wert[0] - 1)

Gambas will stop at the second line complaining "Type mismatch: wanted 
Number got String instead".

Well, wert[0] at this time contains the string "1". This is a string 
with a number, and CInt should convert it to a numeric value, shouldn't 
it? (I tested to leave out the "- 1", this resulted in "Bad index" for 
the tabstrip!)

Rather confused


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