Ron schreef:
> Hi,
> Anyone have a routine to convert a hex string to a float?
> Like these:
> B6FBEB3A = -0.000007507766895287204
> 3C5D2104 = 0.01349664106965065
> Find lots of vb code, but those use copymem functions.
> Thanks in advance!
To answer my own question:

I ended up with this so far:


  PRINT HexToFloat("3C5D2104")
  PRINT HexToFloat("B6FBEB3A")


PUBLIC FUNCTION HexToFloat(sHex AS String) AS Float

  DIM sTemp AS String
  DIM iSign, iExponent AS Integer
  DIM fTemp, fMant, fResult AS Float

  PRINT "Value = " & sHex
  ' calculate sign
  sTemp = Mid(sHex, 1, 2)
  fTemp = Val("&H" & sTemp) AND &H80
  iSign = IIf(fTemp = 128, -1, 1)
  PRINT "Sign = " & iSign

  ' calculate exponent
  sTemp = Mid(sHex, 1, 3)
  fTemp = Val("&H" & sTemp) AND &H7F8
  iExponent = fTemp / 2 ^ 3 - 127
  PRINT "Exponent = " & iExponent

  ' calculate mantissa
  sTemp = Mid(sHex, 3, 6)
  fTemp = Val("&H" & sTemp) AND &H7FFFFF
  fMant = (fTemp / 2 ^ 23) + 1
  PRINT "Mantissa = " & fMant

  fResult = iSign * fMant * 2 ^ iExponent

  RETURN fResult


Value = 3C5D2104
Sign = 1
Exponent = -7
Mantissa = 1.727570056915

Result: 0.01349664107

Value = B6FBEB3A
Sign = -1
Exponent = -18
Mantissa = 1.968116044998

Result: -7.507766895287E-6


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