Hi new to Gambas and have been browsing for other peoples components (3rd 
not had too much luck in finding anything as yet.

I'm interested in finding out how to go about creating reusable components and 
how to install 3rd party ones.

Lastly is there a database component (ie one that you can set via properties 
from within the ide for the DB of choice?

have created a test project and said i wanted database components in it but 
looking at all of them there is no database component (something that allows 
you to say via properties to setup the connection strings)
with the others there looks like there is no visible property to connect the 
thing to a table or rdbms.

I'm thinking of what was/is available in the likes of Delhpi 3 where you had 
    a database component
    a datasource
    grids and table views

thus the DB handled the link to into the db and datasource handled the link to 
a table with the db and the grid/views dblabels & db textboxes handled the 
display or entry into fields and db control manages the scrolling through the 
db records.

hope i can get some feed back,



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