> On samedi 17 janvier 2009, birchy wrote:
> >
> > PUBLIC SUB Main()
> >   DIM i AS Integer, t AS Float, s AS String
> >
> >   t = Timer
> >   FOR i = 0 TO 999999
> >     s = GetSubstring("QWERTYUIOP", "WE", "IO")
> >   NEXT
> >   PRINT Timer - t
> > END
> >
> > PRIVATE FUNCTION GetSubstring(doc AS String, startstring AS String,
> > endstring AS String) AS String
> >   RETURN Split(Split(doc, startstring)[2], endstring)[0]
> > END

The previous code takes 4,31s on my PC with Gambas 2, and 3,01s with Gambas 3.

Benoit Minisini

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